Installation and SetupWorkCentre 7220/7225 Multifunction Printer 41User GuideUSB CoverTo prevent users from accessing the USB port on the front of the printer, install the USB cover. While thecover prevents physical access to the USB port, the port is still active. For details on enabling or disablingUSB ports, see the System Administrator Guide at can find the USB cover and installation instructions in the compartment inside of tray 1.Optimizing Printer PerformanceSeveral factors influence printer performance, including temperature, humidity, air pressure, and thechemical characteristics of the paper and coatings. The printer must form an electrostatic image on thepaper, which depends on the ability of the air to hold and transfer electrical charges. The paper andcoatings must hold an electrical charge in the areas where the toner must adhere.To optimize the performance of your printer:1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button, then touch the Tools tab.2. Touch Troubleshooting > Calibration > Print Calibration > Next.3. Follow the onscreen instructions to run the Print Calibration procedure.