Server FaxXerox WorkCentre 5735/5740/5745/5755/5765/5775/5790System Administrator Guide282• Authenticated User and Domain - select this method to be used in conjunction with thenetwork accounting or another authentication method, such as Secure Access, tovalidate the user.• Authenticated User - when selected, the device will prompt to log in using your ownnetwork credentials.• System - selecting this method allows the device to authenticate to the server with thecredentials entered in the [Login Name], [Password] and [Retype Password] entryfields.g. Check the [Select to save new password] checkbox, if you want to change the password foran existing Login Name.5. Click on the [Apply] button to accept the changes.6. Configure the Default settings. Refer to Configure Default Settings on page 284.Configure a Fax Repository using HTTP/HTTPSInformation ChecklistBefore starting the procedure, ensure the following items are available or tasks have been performed:• Ensure that web services are installed on the server where you want to store scanned images.Examples of web servers include: Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and Apache. Notethe IP Address or host name of the server.• For HTTPS, ensure that your web server is installed with a secure certificate.• Create a user account and password for the device. When a document is scanned, the device logsin using the account, transfers the file to the server or workstation and logs out. Note the useraccount and password details.• Create a directory on the HTTP/HTTPS server to be used as a scan filing location (repository). Notethe directory path.• Note any script that is required to be run.Enter the Fax Repository Details via Internet ServicesAt your Workstation:Note: To configure this feature or these settings access the Properties tab as a SystemAdministrator. For details, refer to Access Internet Services as System Administrator on page 16.1. From the Properties tab, click on the [Services] link.2. Click on the [Server Fax] link.3. Select [Fax Repository Setup] in the directory tree.4. In the Settings area:a. Select HTTP or HTTPS from the [Protocol] drop-down menu.b. Select either [IPv4 Address], [IPv6 Address] or [Host Name].c. Enter details of the Repository Server in the IP Address: Port or Host Name: Port field.d. To view the proxy server settings, click on the [View HTTP Proxy Server Settings] link.