Printing using WindowsXerox WorkCentre 3550User Guide933. Select the watermark options. You can select the font name, style, size or shade from the FontAttributes section and set the angle of the watermark from the Message Angle section.4. Click Add to add the new watermark to the list.5. When you have finished editing, click OK.Editing a Watermark1. Select Edit from the Watermark drop-down list. The Edit Watermark window appears.2. Select the watermark you want to edit from the Current Watermarks list and change thewatermark message options.3. Click Update to save the changes.4. When you have finished editing, click OK.Deleting a Watermark1. Select Edit from the Watermark drop-down list. The Edit Watermark window appears.2. Select the watermark you want to delete from the Current Watermarks list and click Delete.3. Click OK.OverlayAn Overlay is text and/or images stored in the computer hard disk drive as a special file format that canbe printed on any document. Overlays are often used to take the place of preprinted forms andletterhead paper.Creating a New Page OverlayTo use a page overlay, you must create a new page overlay containing your logo or image.1. Create or open a document containing text or an image for use in a new page overlay. Position theitems exactly as you want them to appear when printed as an overlay.2. Select Edit from the Overlay drop-down list. The Edit Overlay window appears.3. Click Create and type a name in the File name box. Select the destination path, if necessary.4. Click Save. The name appears on the Overlay List box.5. Click OK.Note: The overlay document size must be the same as the documents you print with the overlay.Do not create an overlay with a watermark.6. Click OK on the Advanced tab page.7. Click OK on the main Print window.8. An Are you Sure? message displays. Select Yes to confirm.Using a Page Overlay1. Select the required overlay from the Overlay drop-down list box.If the overlay file you want does not appear in the Overlay list, click the Edit button and LoadOverlay, and select the Overlay file.If you have stored the overlay file you want to use in an external source, you can also load the filewhen you access the Load Overlay window.