DOCUSP 3.74XEROX DOCUMENT SERVICES PLATFORM SERIES 1-3GETTING STARTED2. Select a queue from the pull-down menu, and select OK.Send the documentation to a hold queue in order toprogram the job properties, or send the job to a queuewith the following job properties set as overrides:o Sides imaged = 2-sidedo Finishing = noneo Paper stock = 8 1/2 x 11 or A4; drilled if thedocument is to be placed in a binder.NOTE: The Help documentation is over 200 pages.3. In Job Manager, locate the job and program the jobproperties. Then release the job to print.Printing the user guidesUse the procedure below to print the user guides located on theUser Guides CD ROM.1. Ensure that Adobe Acrobat Reader, version 4 or later, isloaded on the personal computer. It is also stronglyrecommended that the Xerox custom print driver for yourprinter is installed on the personal computer. Refer tosection 4 of this document for instructions on loading theAdobe Acrobat Reader from the User Guides CD ROM.2. Place the User Guides CD ROM in the CD ROM driver ofthe computer.3. Open the CD ROM and any required folders. Locate thedocument you wish to print.4. Using the Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can view thedocument, print the entire document, or print selected pagesof the document.5. Select File, Print and select the printer to which thedocument is to be sent for printing. Either program the jobproperties at the personal computer or at the DocuSPcontroller.You may also use the XDS Plus or the DocuSP webinterface application on your computer to submit the pdfdirectly to the printer without first viewing the contents.Refer to the Xerox Production Print Services Guide toprinting using Xerox Production Print Services for moreinformation.