DOCUSP 3.745-10 XEROX DOCUMENT SERVICES PLATFORM SERIESGETTING STARTEDChecking the tape driveIf the backup or recovery script generates an error messageindicating that the tape drive cannot be found, perform thefollowing steps:1. If DocuSP is running, follow the procedures in your customerdocumentation to shut down and power off the controller. Ifthe system displays a # prompt, enter halt. When the OKprompt is displayed, power off the controller.2. Power off the tape drive.3. Ensure that the SCSI cable connecting the tape drive to thecontroller is securely connected. If the tape drive is yoursystem’s only external SCSI device, there should be onlyone SCSI cable connected to the tape drive, and it should beconnected to the In connector.If there are other SCSI devices (for example, external harddrives), ensure that the cable connected to the In connectorleads back towards the controller (even if there is anotherdevice between the tape drive and the controller). Also verifythat there are no bent pins on the connector.1. If the tape drive is an older unit (for example, an 8mmDocuTech tape drive) with a 50-pin SCSI connector, aterminator must be installed on the Out connector if the tapedrive is the last device on the SCSI chain.NOTE 1: The 50-pin connector is approximately 1.5 incheswide. Newer tape devices have a 68-pin Ultra-SCSIconnector, which is 1.75 inches wide.NOTE 2: The 4mm and QIC tape drives are all Ultra-SCSIdevices. These are auto-terminating so no externalterminator is needed.2. Check the SCSI ID selector and ensure that it is not set to 0,1, 3 or 6. These settings could possibly conflict with internalSCSI devices on some controller types. If there are otherexternal devices, ensure that no two devices are set to thesame SCSI ID.NOTE: The SCSI device ID selector is a small window withtwo small buttons, located on the back of the drive. Pressthe buttons to change the value, if necessary.3. Ensure that the tape inserted in the drive is a regular tapeand not a cleaning tape.4. Power on the tape drive, and wait 10 seconds.5. Power on the controller.6. Press as soon as the banner screen appears.