DOCUSP 3.74XEROX DOCUMENT SERVICES PLATFORM SERIES 3-3GETTING STARTED Jobs may be forwarded to non-DocuSP based printers aslong as the non-DocuSP printer can be accessed from theDocuSP and entered into the Job Forwarding window.Layout (Imposition) Overall layout and functionality of the Layout feature hasbeen improved. The most common multiple up options havebeen added as standard templates with automatic scaling,and do not require manual entry of a scaling percentage. The imposition templates have been simplified. Customersshould proof imposition jobs with the new layouts prior toproduction. A new imposition template is available that streamlinesmultiple up postcard printing. The template provides easierprinting of a single sheet, 2-sided postcard layout. Thistemplate was introduced in DocuSP 3.61.16 as the customtemplate. The Layout feature now has the ability to turn the crop or cutmarks on or off. The default setting is for the crop marks tobe off. The Layout feature now has the ability to make small imageshifts that account for the paper thickness in Signaturebooklets. The Signature Shift feature provides a small creepoutward as the paper stack expands. The Signature Shift isa checkbox and is either on or off. The default setting is forSignature Shift to be off.Job Preview (PostScript and PDF jobs) The ability to preview any PostScript or PDF job is availablewith this release as a licensable feature. The operator mayselect a job and preview a 72 dpi image of a job or page. Preview is available in Job Manager on PostScript and PDFjobs with nearly every status, provided the job is fullyspooled on the DocuSP controller. Completed jobs mayalso be previewed as long as the system is set to Retain thelast 50 jobs. Operators can also preview saved PostScript and PDF jobsusing Reprint Manager and using the DocuSP RemoteWorkflow software. However, jobs previewed using RemoteWorkflow are displayed very slowly due to image transferand processing. For best results, preview jobs that containall elements of the job, such as images and forms, within thePDL. The page size is displayed in the lower left corner and canbe used to assist in job setup.