24 Phaser 8200 Color PrinterFontsResident typefaces (PCL5c)For PCL5c (Printer Command Language) printing, the printer supports Courier, Times, andUniverse typefaces in medium, bold, italic medium, and italic bold. In addition, there are44 PCL fonts. The printer port must be set to AutoSelect (which is the default) for theprinter to accept PCL data.Resident PCL typefacesDownloading fontsTo supplement the resident fonts (which are always available for printing), downloadablefonts can be sent from your computer and be stored in the printerís memory or on a harddrive. Adding more printer memory or a hard drive expands the number of fonts that canbe stored on your printer. Refer to the Phaser 8200 Color Printer User Guide or the Xeroxweb site for part numbers of the hard drive and memory.By downloading fonts to a hard disk or memory, you save print time when you use aMacintosh to print large documents or print several documents that use those fonts.Because it has bi-directional communication with the printer, the Macintosh finds outwhich fonts are already available in the printer memory and on the hard drive, and thusdoesnít spend time downloading those same fonts from the application.NoteBecause PC drivers donít have bi-directional font communication with theprinter, the PC only knows what fonts came with the printer. All other fonts aredownloaded from the application, even if they already were downloaded to thehard disk or memory.AlbertusE-ExtraBoldAlbertusE-MediumAntiqueOliveE-BoldAntiqueOliveE-ItalicAntiqueOliveE-RegularArialEArialE-BoldArialE-BoldItalicArialE-ItalicClarendonE-CondensedCoronetECourierE-BoldCourierE-BoldItalicCourierE-ItalicCourierE-RegularGaramondE-AntiquaGaramondE-HalbfettGaramondE-KursivGaramondE-KursivHalbfettLetterGothicE-BoldLetterGothicE-ItalicLetterGothicE-RegularMarigoldEOptimaE-BoldOptimaE-BoldItalicOptimaE-ItalicOptimaE-RegularSymbolETimesE-BoldTimesE-BoldItalicTimesE-ItalicTimesE-RomanTimesNewRomanETimesNewRomanE-BoldTimesNewRomanE-BoldItalicTimesNewRomanE-ItalicUniversE-BoldUniversE-BoldCondensedUniversE-BoldCondensedItalicUniversE-BoldItalicUniversE-CondensedUniversE-CondensedItalicUniversE-ItalicUniversE-Medium