Page: 86 Model MRC88m / MRAUDIO8x8m© 2009 Xantech CorporationSection 9: AppendixRS232 CONTROLThis document describes the bi-directional RS232 interface of the MRC88m using the COM PORT on the rearof the system (Fig. 3-29). This interface allows an external RS232 device to control the MRC88m via a set ofASCII text commands. It is also possible to control any IR device connected to the MRC88m system as well bytriggering individual IR Commands and/or IR Macros via ASCII strings.In EXPANDED Mode, the Primary and Secondary units RS232 ports are both active although only thePrimary’s RS232 port will be bi-directional. The Secondary units RS232 port can only be used as a ControlINPUT.EXAMPLE: Interface the Primary’s RS232 port to a Lighting/HVAC/Security system allowing the MRC88msystem to control the other system or be controlled by it (bi-directional control). The Secondary units RS232port can be connected to a touch screen controller for a Master Controller for the entire system including controlof the Lighting/HVAC/Security system connected to the Primary units RS232 port.TYPES OF COMMANDSThere are two types of information that can be sent to the MRC88m Controller: COMMANDS and QUERIES.COMMANDS are ASCII strings used to set a specific parameter in the system (i.e. Select a Source, turn a zoneON, start a DVD player etc…). QUERIES are requests for system status information and result in the MRC88mcontroller sending back a reply to the string being sent (i.e. seeing what zones are on, which sources areselected and volume settings etc….)INTERFACING TO THE RS232 COMPORTThe RS232 Com Port on the rear of the MRC88m Controller, is wired as a ‘null modem’ end, meaning theTransmit and Receive line have already been interchanged for direct communication with a PC. What thismeans is when connecting to a standard PC’s Com Port, no Null Modem cable is necessary.The pin out configuration for this connector is:COM PORTPIN # FUNCTION1, 7, 8, & 9 NC2 Tx3 Rx4 DSR5 GND6 DTRTable 2: Rear Com Port Connector Pin OutASCII STRING ‘INITIATING’ AND ‘TERMINATING’ CHARACTERSThe protocol was designed to be similar to the one used in the Xantech ZPR68 so that it would be familiar. It isdifferent from the ZPR68 in that the MRC88m has a buffered UART and is therefore able to receive a completecommand/query string at one time.