Page: 58 Model MRC88m / MRAUDIO8x8m© 2009 Xantech Corporation6. Select POWER OFF in the Macro Command List. The POWER OFF button will become outlined inRED.7. Select the appropriate command(s) to be associated with the absence of a Sense Input (i.e. no video or0VDC on the Ring of the stereo mini jack connected to the SENSE input).8. Repeat for all trigger inputs desiredPOLARITY AND W IRING OF S ENSE INPUTTIP = +12VDC OutputRING = Input (+12VDC)SLEEVE = GroundWhen using a dry contact closure to activate a Current Sense Input Trigger, the switch should be connectedbetween TIP and RING through a 220ohm resistor.When using an external trigger voltage, (12 VDC control out from switched source, etc.) the switch should bebetween SLEEVE and RING.C URRENT SENSE D E -B OUNCE SETTINGS“De-Bounce” is the amount of time switches and relays need to stabilize. The factory default of ‘2’ should betried first. For a faster switch, try the ‘1’ setting. For slower switches change as needed to allow the controller tosense the switch or relay condition.TESTING COMMANDS UNDER POWER MANAGEMENT AND SENSE TRIGGERSCommands may be tested in the same manner as on the Virtual Keypad. To test commands, the Dragon PCmust be connected to the front panel COM PORT or USB Port and emitters must be placed in the properSource and Zone IR Emitter output ports. For Fast Testing, an emitter placed in the COMMON IR port will besufficient.1. Select the Sense Trigger to be tested with the IR codes placed under it to test. The Trigger should nowbe hi-lighted.2. Select the TEST button located in the bottom right-hand side of the Power Management window.Commands listed under the Macro Command List for that selected sense trigger should now beexecuted in order of appearance out of the proper Emitter Ports on the MRC88m Controller.