35■ Furnace fails tooperate on highstage. Furnaceoperatesnormally on lowstage.■ Integratedcontrol moduleLED displayprovides “E9”error code.E9 ■ High-stagepressure switchcircuit is notclosed.■ Induced draftblower isoperating.■ Furnace isoperating onlow stage only.■ Pressure switchhose blocked,pinched orconnectedimproperly.■ Blocked flue and/orinlet air pipe,blocked drainsystem or weakinduced draftblower.■ Incorrect pressureswitch setpoint ormalfunctioningswitch contacts.■ Loose orimproperlyconnected wiring.■ Inspect pressureswitch hose. Repair, ifnecessary.■ Inspect flue and/orinlet air piping forblockage, properlength, elbows andtermination.■ Check drain system.Correct as necessary.■ Check induced draftblower performance.Correct as necessary.■ Correct pressureswitch setpoint orcontact motion.■ Tighten or correctwiring connection.■ Turn off power prior torepair.■ Replace pressureswitch with correctreplacement part.■ Replace induced draftblower with correctreplacement part.■ Furnace fails tooperate.■ Integratedcontrol moduleLED displayprovides “EA”error code.EA ■ Polarity of115-volt AC isreversed.■ Polarity of 115-voltAC power tofurnace orintegrated moduleis reversed.■ Poor furnaceground.■ Review wiring diagramto correct polarity.■ Verify proper ground.Correct if necessary.■ Check and correctwiring.■ Turn off power prior torepair.■ Furnace fails tooperate.■ Integratedcontrol moduleLED displayprovides “d0”error code.d0 ■ Data not yet onnetwork.■ Furnace does notcontain any shareddata.■ Populate shared dataset using memorycard.■ Turn off power prior torepair.■ Use memory card forthe specific model.■ Insert memory cardbefore turning onpower. Memory cardmay be removed afterdata is loaded.■ Turn off power beforeremoving memorycard.■ Error code will becleared once data isloaded.■ Operationdifferent thanexpected or nooperation.■ Integratedcontrol moduleLED displayprovides “d4”error code.d4 ■ Invalid memorycard data.■ Shared data set onmemory card hasbeen rejected byintegrated controlmodule.■ Verify shared data setis correct for thespecific model.■ Repopulate data usingcorrect memory card, ifrequired.■ Turn off power prior torepair.■ Use memory card forthe specific model.■ Insert memory cardbefore turning onpower. Memory cardmay be removed afterdata is loaded.■ Turn off power beforeremoving memorycard.■ Error code will becleared once data isloaded.Symptoms ofAbnormalOperationDiagnostic/Status LEDCode Fault Description Possible Causes Corrective Actions Notes and Cautions