34■ No furnaceoperation.■ Integratedcontrol moduleLED displayprovides “E5”error code.E5 ■ Open fuse. ■ Short in low voltagewiring.■ Locate and correctshort in low voltagewiring.■ Turn off power prior torepair.■ Replace fuse with 3Aautomotive fuse.■ Furnace notoperating.■ Integratedcontrol moduleLED displayprovides “E6”error code.E6 ■ Flame sensemicroamp signalis low.■ Flame sensor iscoated/oxidized.■ Flame sensorincorrectlypositioned inburner flame.■ Lazy burner flamedue to impropergas pressure orcombustion air.■ Sand flame sensor ifcoated/oxidized.■ Inspect for propersensor alignment.■ Check inlet air pipingfor blockage, properlength, elbows andtermination.■ Compare current gaspressure to rating plateinfo. Adjust as needed.■ Turn off power prior torepair.■ Sand flame sensorwith emery cloth.■ See “Vent/Flue Pipe”section for pipingdetails.■ See rating plate forproper gas pressure.■ Furnaceoperating onlow stage gaswith high stageinduced draftblower■ High stagecirculatorblower(temperature, ofconditioned air,lower thantypical).■ Integratedcontrol moduleLED displayprovides “E7”error code.E7 ■ Problem withigniter circuit.■ Improperlyconnected igniter.■ Shorted igniter.■ Poor unit ground.■ Igniter relay fault onintegrated controlmodule.■ Check and correctwiring from integratedcontrol module toigniter.■ Replace shortedigniter.■ Check and correctfurnace ground wiring.■ Check igniter outputfrom control. Replace,if necessary.■ Turn off power prior torepair.■ Replace igniter withcorrect replacementpart.■ Replace control withcorrect replacementpart.■ Furnace fails tooperate on highstage. Furnaceoperatesnormally on lowstage.■ Integratedcontrol moduleLED displayprovides “E8”error code.E8 ■ High-stagepressure switchcircuit is closedat start ofheating cycle.■ Induced draftblower isoperating.■ Furnace isoperating onlow stage only.■ High-stagepressure switchcontacts sticking.■ Shorts in pressureswitch circuitwiring.■ Replace high-stagepressure switch.■ Repair short in wiring.■ Turn off power prior torepair.■ Replace pressureswitch with correctreplacement part.Symptoms ofAbnormalOperationDiagnostic/Status LEDCode Fault Description Possible Causes Corrective Actions Notes and Cautions