246 Self-helpImportantThe driving comfort of the repaired tyre isseverely affected, therefore have this tyrereplaced.If the compressor makes abnormal noisesor heats up greatly, switch it off for at least30 minutes.The integrated safety valve opens at apressure of 7 bar.Protect the compressor from moisture andrain.The sealant can only be stored for approx.4 years. After this time, the sealingproperties can no longer be guaranteed.Heed the expiration date on the sealantbottle.The sealant bottle can only be used once.Replace a used sealant bottle.The compressor and sealant can be usedfrom approx. -30 °C.Dispose of a used tyre repair kit inaccordance with applicable legislation.An adapter for filling air mattresses, innertubes, etc. is located on the underside ofthe compressor. Remove by unscrewing thecompressor air hose and pulling out theadapter.Electrical systemFusesThere are three fuse boxes in the vehicle: inthe passenger compartment on the far leftof the dashboard, in the luggagecompartment on the left in the stowagecompartment, and in the enginecompartment front left.9 WarningDo not drive faster than 50 mph(80 km/h).Do not use the temporary spare wheel fora lengthy period.Steerability and driving behaviour maybe impaired.Replace repaired tyres as soon aspossible.9 WarningElectronic ignition systems generate veryhigh voltages. Do not touch the ignitionsystem; high voltage can be fatal.