189Saving fuel, Protecting the environmentOverrunz The fuel supply is automatically shut offduring overrun, e.g. when the vehicle isbeing driven down long gradients orwhen braking – see page 187.z To enable the overrun cut-off to comeinto action and save fuel, do notaccelerate or declutch during overrun.Correct gear selectionz High revs increase engine wear and fuelconsumption.z Do not race your engine. Avoid driving athigh engine speeds.Making use of the tachometer helps tosave fuel. Drive in a low engine speedrange for each gear as much as possiblewith uniform engine speeds. Drive asoften as possible in top gear, select thenext higher gear as soon as possible,and only change down when the engineis no longer running perfectly smoothly.High speedz The higher the speed, the higher theconsumption and the noise level. At topspeed, you consume a great deal of fueland produce excessive noise andexhaust emissions.z Slightly releasing the accelerator pedalresults in distinct fuel savings with nomajor loss of speed.Drive at no more than around threequarters of maximum speed and you willuse up to 50% less fuel, without losing agreat deal of time.Tyre pressurez Inadequate tyre pressure, leading tohigher road resistance, costs money intwo ways: for more fuel and increasedtyre wear.z Regular checks (every 14 days) pay off.Electrical loadsz The power consumption of electricalequipment increases fuel consumption.z Switch off all auxiliary electrical loads(e.g. air conditioning 3, heated rearwindow) when not needed.Roof racks, ski-holdersz Due to air resistance, a roof load canincrease fuel consumption by approx.3.5 gal/h (1 l/100 km).z Remove them if they are not being used.Repair and maintenancez Improper repairs or adjustment andmaintenance work can increase fuelconsumption. Do not carry out work onthe engine yourself.You may out of ignorance infringeenvironmental laws by not disposing ofmaterials properly.Appropriate parts might not be recycled.Contact with some of the materialsinvolved may pose a health hazard.z We recommend that repair andmaintenance be entrusted to yourVauxhall Authorised Repairer.Extreme driving conditionsz Going up steep slopes, cornering, drivingon poor roads and winter driving allincrease fuel consumption.Fuel consumption increases dramaticallyin urban traffic and at wintertemperatures, especially on short tripswhen the engine operating temperatureis not reached.z Follow the hints given above to keepconsumption to a minimum under suchconditions.