PaX-i3D Green (PHT-60CFO) User Manual13210 Cleaning and Maintenance10.2.2 Maintenance Task ChecklisMaintenance Tasks MaintenanceperiodBefore operation, ensure that the equipment is clean andready for use. Make sure that all parts which come intocontact with the patient have been disinfected and cleaned.DailyAfter using the equipment, make sure that the main powerswitch has been turned off. DailyEnsure that the equipment is firmly plugged into a dedicatedpower source. DailyEnsure that the plug and power cord are not hot.. DailyConfirm that the orange (exposure) indicator lamp turnson when the exposure switch is pressed. Ensure that theorange (exposure) indicator light remains on for the entireduration of the exposure.DailyEnsure that the power cable is not kinked, broken, exposedand that it is free of all other defects. WeeklyConfirm that activating the emergency stop switch ceasesthe unit’s operation. Pressing the emergency stop switchshould stop all equipment movements and X-ray emission.WeeklyEnsure that all visible labels are intact and legible. MonthlyCheck for possible wear or damage to the exposure switchcable. MonthlyConfirm that the audio message is audible throughout theduration of the exposure. Monthly