CHAPTER 5: PROGRAMMING MODESMODEL HF2 2 kHz HIGH FREQUENCY RESISTANCE WELDING POWER SUPPLY5-6 990-0574 Press [CHNG] To operate the HF2 Weld Control in the Weld Graph State.Output RelaysThe HF2 Weld Control has two solid state relays which can be used to provide status or timing signalsto a user Programmable Logic Control (PLC). For a full description on how to connect Relay K1 andRelay K2, refer to Chapter 4, Control Signals, Output Relays.1 Relay K1 and Relay K2 can only be programmed in the Alphanumeric PROGRAM State.2 Use the vertical cursor keys [ VW ] to select the weld schedule that you want to modify. Fromthe Weld Graph RUN State or Basic Weld Monitor RUN State, press [PROG] multiple times toenter the Alphanumeric PROGRAM State. If you are already in the Alphanumeric PROGRAMState, press [PROG] once.3 Press [ W ] until the RELAY 1 andRELAY 2 legends are displayed. Bothrelays can be activated in theSQUEEZE, WELD, and HOLDperiods. Press [CHNG] to select ON.In this example, RELAY 1 will turn onduring the WELD period.4 There are four more RELAY 1 optionslisted under the SQZ period column.Press [CHNG] to select the RUNSTATE option. In this example, noticethat the RELAY 1 options for theWELD and HOLD periods disappear.Selecting the RUN STATE option willcause RELAY 1 to always be on whenthe HF2 is not making a weld.5 Press [CHNG] until the ALARM (NO)option appears. An ALARM conditioncauses RELAY 1 to switch from thenormally open (NO) state to the closedstate. RELAY 1 automatically openswhen the alarm condition is cleared bypressing [RUN] or when the nextwelding sequence begins.6 Press [CHNG] until the ALARM (NC)option appears. An alarm conditioncauses RELAY 1 to switch. An alarmcondition causes RELAY 1 to switch from the normally closed state (NC) to the normally openstate. RELAY 1 automatically closes when the alarm condition is cleared by pressing [RUN] orwhen the next welding sequence begins.