CHAPTER 5: PROGRAMMING MODESMODEL HF2 2 kHz HIGH FREQUENCY RESISTANCE WELDING POWER SUPPLY990-057 5-53 Periods such as WELD, WELD1,WELD2, and TEMPER have userprogrammable time base values andweld current, voltage, or energy values.To change the Feedback Type for anyof these weld periods, press the keypaddecimal point [.] multiple times until theupper left-hand portion of the screenshows the desired Feedback Type. Thisexample shows a WELD period of 15ms with the weld CURRENT set to 0.5kA.4 To change the weld current, use thevertical cursor keys [ VW ] to increaseor decrease the weld CURRENT. Note:when holding the vertical cursor keysdown to change the weld CURRENT,the horizontal bar representing the weldCURRENT will not move to its newposition until the vertical cursor keys[ ] are released. However, the weld CURRENT value displayed in the upper left-handcorner will automatically scroll during this change process. In this example, weld CURRENThas been increased to 0.7 kA and WELD time has been increased to 20 ms.5 Press [SAVE] to save the updated weld schedule. You are now back in the Weld Graph RUNState.Alphanumeric PROGRAM State1 Use the vertical cursor keys [ VW ] to select the weld schedule that you want to modify. Fromthe Weld Graph RUN State or Basic Weld Monitor RUN State, press [PROG] multiple times toenter the Alphanumeric PROGRAM State. If you are already in the Alphanumeric PROGRAMState, press [PROG] once.2 Use the vertical cursor keys [ VW ] andhorizontal cursor keys [ ] to selectthe program value that you want tochange. Use [CHNG] to selectCURRENT, VOLTAGE or POWERFeedback. Use the numeric keypad toenter variable values. This exampleshows the alpha-numeric version ofweld schedule 000 in the middle of thispage. Weld CURRENT is set to 0.7 kA and WELD time to 20 ms.3 Press [SAVE] to save the updated weld schedule.