SWITCHESSTARTER SWITCHOFFSTOPThe position at which the key is inserted or drawn out.The starter switch is “OFF” at this position.The engine stops when the starter switch is turned tothis position.ONThe electric circuit for the starter motor and others isclosed.On the diesel-powered truck, the glow indicator light willcome on when the starter switch is turned to “ON”. Afterthe glow indicator light goes out, turn the starter switchto the “START” position.STARTThe engine starts. After the engine starts up, removeyour hand from the key. The starter switch willautomatically return to the “ON” position.NOTE1. Do not keep the starter switch in the “ON” positionwhile the engine is not running; otherwise thebattery will go dead prematurely.2. While the engine is running, do not turn thestarter switch to the “START” position; otherwisethe starter motor will be damaged.3. Do not keep the starter motor turning for morethan 10 seconds at a time. If the engine won’tstart, wait about 20 seconds before trying again.4. Make sure the shift lever(s) are in neutral beforetrying to start the engine. The engine won’t startup unless the shift lever(s) are in neutral.STARTER SWITCH2-5INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS