Do not operate the lift truck untilpreoperational checks are finishedIf any defect is found during checking, report it tothe supervisor and have it repaired.Do not operate the truck until the malfunction ordamage is properly repaired.Mount properlyNever mount or dismount a moving truck. Whengetting on and off the truck, make sure the truck isat a complete stop and use the recommended handholds and steps with at least three points of support(for example, put your left foot on a step, and holda hand hold with your left hand and the backrestof the seat with your right hand). Keep the steps,hand holds and the seat always clean. Repair ifdamaged.When starting the engineEngine-powered trucksWhen starting the engine, make sure to:1) Apply the parking brake securely.2) Place the direction shift lever and speed rangeshift lever into neutral.3) Adjust the steering column angle and driver’sseat position before starting the engine.Do not try to adjust them during operation;otherwise a serious accident might occur.After adjustment, make sure they are securelylocked.4) Seat yourself in the operator’s seat and fastenthe seat belt.5) Press the clutch pedal (trucks with clutch) orbrake pedal (trucks with torque converter).6) Make sure there is no one under or around thetruck, and start the engine.Caution to be taken when starting theelectric truckElectric trucksBefore trying to start the truck (before turning thekey switch to ON), follow the procedure givenbelow:1) Apply the parking brake.2) Place the direction shift lever in neutral.3) Adjust the steering wheel and operator’s seatbefore turning the key switch ON. Do not tryto adjust them during operation; otherwise aserious accident might occur.After adjustment, make sure they are securelylocked.4) Seat yourself in the operator’s seat and fastenthe seat belt.5) Press the brake pedal.6) Make sure there is no one under or around thetruck, and turn the key switch to ON.Do not move controls unless properlyseatedDo not operate the controls (levers and pedals)unless you are properly seated.1-18TRAVELING