30A168A. CLEANING: New units are wiped clean at the factory to remove any visible signs of dirt, oil, grease, etcetera, remaining from themanufacturing process. Each fryer vessel should be thoroughly washed with hot soapy water to remove film residues, installationdust or debris; rinsed and then wiped dry before being used for food preparation.B. START-UP: The fryers are tested, adjusted and calibrated prior to being shipped: however adjustments may be necessary on instal-lation to meet local conditions, high or low gas pressure, differences in altitudes, variations in gas characteristics and to correctpossible problems caused by rough handling or vibration during shipment. Initial calibration or adjustment is the responsibilityof the customer and will not be covered by the Ultrafryer Systems warranty.NOTE: Calibration and adjustments must be performed by qualified personnel.C. LIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: Each fryer is equipped with a spark ignition system and to test this system, perform the followingsteps, in sequence:1. Turn the Toggle ON/OFF SWITCH to the OFF position.2. Fill the fryer vessel with hot or cold water to the SHORTENING LEVEL mark on the rear wall of the fryer vat.CAUTION : IF THE MAIN BURNERS ARE OPERATED WITH THE VESSEL EMPTY, THE HEAT WILL CAUSE THE JOINTSOF THE FRYER VESSEL TO BE PLACED UNDER UNDO STRESS AND MAY CAUSE THE HEAT EXCHANGERVESSEL TO WARP OR BUCKLE, VOIDING WARRANTY.3. Turn the manual gas valve located behind the fryer Service Access door to the OFF position and wait FIVE (5) minutesfor any accumulated gas to disperse.4. ENSURE the MAIN gas shut-off is in the ON position, MANUAL VALVE on the combination GAS CONTROL VALVE(located behind the fryer Service Access door) is in the ON position and the Vent Hood EXHAUST FAN is ON.5. Turn the manual gas valve to the ON position.6. Turn the ON/OFF switch ON; then place the DTMR or ULTRASTAT Cooking Computer into the MELT MODE.WARNING!!! DO NOT USE A MATCH OR CANDLE TO LIGHT A FRYER… EVER!D. SEQUENCE OF IGNITION: When the lighting instruction steps are performed in the sequence listed above, the following willoccur:1. Blower will come ON activating the air pressure switch.2. The air pressure switch will CLOSE completing the electrical circuit to the transformer.3. The transformer will supply 24 volts to the IGNITOR MODULE and GAS CONTROL VALVE, and the ignitor will SPARKlighting the gas in the burner.WARNING!!! WHEN CHECKING FOR BURNER PERFORMANCE, DO NOT STAND WITH YOUR FACE CLOSETO THE BURNER…. IT MAY LIGHT WITH A “POP” AND COULD FLASH BACK AND CAUSE FACIALBURNS.NOTES: 1) If the burner flame fails, it will be sensed by the SPARK IGNITOR, the Spark Ignitor Module will open the electricalcircuit to the GAS CONTROL VALVE shutting off gas to the burner.2) If the blower fails, the air pressure switch will open the electrical circuit to the TRANSFORMER removing electricalpower from the SPARK IGNITOR MODULE and GAS CONTROL VALVE shutting off gas to the burner.E. BURNER OPERATION TEST: Perform above LIGHTNG INSTRUCTIONS and observe operation of the burners. Whensatisfied that the burner is operating properly, drain the fryer vessel of water and dry the vessel thoroughly; then fill the fryervessel with shortening according to the instructions in the INITIAL START-UP section.Page 15 of 56