Customization ExamplesNotify Menu ExamplesStratagy I&M 06/02 8-17CustomizationExamplesNotification to a PagerYou can program Stratagy to notify a user via his digital pager.In the example below, assume you want Stratagy to notify the user of the total number of messagesand the number of new messages in his User ID mailbox.Program ExampleIn the following example:• Dial 9 for an outside line• The paging system uses the * to designate a “-” in the pager display• User ID: 405• Total number of messages in User ID 405: 5• Number of new messages in User ID 405: 3➤ To program the exampleDefine the Notify record to contain:How It WorksPer the notification schedule, Stratagy:1. Dials the user’s digital pager’s telephone number.2. When the pager answers:• Relays the User ID.• Relays the total number of messages.• Relays the number of new messages.For this example, the following displays on the pager: 405-5-3.Title Type NORMALVariable ’s telephone number>Method 9W(4,T)%V,,W(2,P)-%U*%M*%N#-9 Dials 9 for an outside line.W(4,T) Waits up to 4 seconds to hear dial tone.%V Dials the contents of the Notify record’s Variable field. This should be the digital pager’stelephone number.,, Pauses 4 seconds (2 seconds x 2).W(2,P) Waits up to 2 rings for the pager/beeper to answer.- Pauses 0.5 second to enable the pager’s answer confirmation tones.%U Relays the User ID.* Dials . (Used by many paging systems to designate a “-” in the pager display.)%M Relays the total number of messages in this User ID mailbox.* Dials . (Used by many paging systems to designate a “-” in the pager display.)%N Relays the number of new messages in this User ID mailbox.# Dials to end call.- Pauses 0.5 second.