How Stratagy OperatesHow Stratagy ProcessesStratagy I&M 06/02 5-7How Stratagy OperatesNot SuccessfulSuccessfulYesNoNoNoYesRecords caller’s message.NoYesCall ScreeningIsScreen Calls ON?Do Not DisturbIsDo Not Disturb ON?Evaluate ExtensionIs the firstcharacter “@”?Suppress Normal ProcessProcesses TokenProgramming LanguageTransfer HoldProcesses TokenProgramming Language(usually dials the extension).Follows theDone chain of theCompany Greeting User ID(default 990)Connects the CallerYesNoNoStartStratagy directs callto this User ID.YesAnswerIfID Call? is YES, Stratagyplays the tone and then theUser ID's recorded name.Otherwise, Stratagy plays atone.Call ScreeningIsScreen Calls ON?BusyIf the User ID’sBusy chain isdefined, Stratagy follows it.Otherwise, plays either thesystem busy greeting or thecustom busy greeting, per theUser ID’s configuration.Caller ResponseIf the caller enters anotherUser ID, Stratagy startsprocessing at that User ID.If the User ID'sBusy Hold isYES and the caller presses *to hold, Stratagy starts a holdqueue for the User ID.If the caller does nothing,Stratagy continues.Ring No AnswerIf the User ID’sRNA chain isdefined, Stratagy follows it.Otherwise, continues.GreetingPlays thecurrent greeting.Store MessagesIsStore MessagesYES?Copy Message ToIfCopy Message To defines avalid User ID, copies/recordsthe message to that User ID.DoneIf the User ID’sDone chain isdefined, Stratagy follows it.Otherwise, follows theDonechain of the CompanyGreeting User ID (default 990).Play Caller NameUser accepts, rejects, ortransfers call. To accept call,press 1 . To reject call, press 2and hang up. To transfer callwith an announcement, press3 . To transfer call without anannouncement, press 4.If the user presses andhangs up or does nothing,Stratagy continues as if itreceived a Ring No Answerafter dialing the extension.If the user presses or ,dials the extension, and hangsup. Stratagy directs the call toStart for the extensiontransferred to.Otherwise, continues.Records Caller's Name2467Figure 5-2 User ID Mailbox Processing