Telephone Button Programming800 Series Programs1-94 Strata CIX/CTX Telephone Button Programming 11/04800 Series ProgramsTable 1-39 Programs 801~803Button Sequence Value(s) Summary801 Network Jack LANDevice Assignments801, HoldThis screen assigns the LAN parameters for the PC applicationsconnected to the BECU Network Jack through a LAN or Hub.801-00 LAN Port Numbern, Holdn = 1~12 (default = no value) Enter the port number of the LAN device to be assigned. Refer toProgram 803 SMDR SMDI CTI Port Assignments.Notes• Program the local port number for LCD Control of Voice Mail• Use the same Device Port No. (11) for Network BLF.• Use 10 for Network CTX Proprietary Integration• Use 12 for Network DSSNetwork BLF and DSS are available only with CTX Release 1.3 orhigher software and with CTX WinAdmin Release 1.3 or highersoftware.801-01 ProtocolFB01, n, Holdn = 1. TCP (default)2. UDPSelect communication Protocol.Note Select UDP for Network DSS.801-02 PC Operation TypeFB02, n, Holdn = 1. Server (default)2. ClientEnter the application PC type: Server or Client.801-03 Data FlowFB03, n, Holdn = 1. Synchronization2. Asynchronization(default)Enter the data flow protocol that should take place between the CTXand PC. If the PC is a CTX, CTI application assign ìAsynchronizationîto data flow.801-04 Server Port NumberFB04, n, Holdn = 0~65535 (default = 0) Enter the Server Port Number and proceed to07 Read RetryNumber. This field is required if Server was selected in02 PCOperation Type above. If not, leave this field blank and proceed to05Client IP Address.Note Use 6000 for Network BLF, 3000 for Network DSS, and 5000for Network CTX Proprietary Integration.801-05 Client IP AddressFB05, FB06, FB07,or FB08, n, Holdn = 0~255 (default = 0) Enter the Client LAN IP Address. This field is required if Client wasselected in02 PC Operation Type above.0~255 for each octet (default = 0)Enter IP address of Stratagy iES32 or SES.801-06801-07801-08801-09 Write Retry NumberFB09, n, Holdn = 0~65535 (default = 0) Enter the Client Port number. This field is required if Client wasselected in02 PC Operation Type above.801-10 Write Retry NumberFB10, n, Holdn = 0~10 (default = 1) Set the Read Retry counter to (1~10).801-11 Write Retry NumberFB11, n, Hold, Holdn = 0~10 (default = 1) Set the Write Retry counter to (1~10).803 IO Logical DeviceAssignment803, HoldThis screen is used to assign:1. SMDR and SMDI to logical device and BSIS, RS-232 portnumbers.2. CTX WinAdmin, ACD sever, and Attendant Console to BECU,Network Jack logical device and LAN port numbers.803-00 Logical DeviceNumbern, Holdn = 100 = SMDR300 or 301 = SMDI200~208 = CTI LANDevices of PCs (default =no value)400 = BLF500 = DSSEnter the 3-digit logical device number for SMDR, SMDI, and LANdevice or PC application. See ìDevice Tableî on page 1-95SMDR: 100SMDI: 300 or 301CTI LAN devices or PCs can be assigned to any of the 9 LAN devicesnumbers available: 200~208.