Telephone Button Programming900 Series ProgramsStrata CIX/CTX Telephone Button Programming 11/04 1-97Telephone ButtonProgramming900 Series ProgramsThese programs are organized based on functions versus program numbers.System InitializeThis program enables you to reset hardware and initializes, or restores programmed data.Program Number(s): 900Prerequisite Program:NoneReference:NoneAccess Sequence:Login to programming mode from your telephone button pad:Hold ✱#✱#1✱2✱3✱.At the PASSWORD=prompt, Enter your password and press Hold.At the PROG=prompt enter 900and press Hold.➤ To access programming parameters1. Press FB01 to choose Initialize Level 1 or 2.2. Press Hold twice to initialize.Important!Choosing Initialize Level 1 without installing a SmartMedia Card deletes allprogrammed data and returns your Strata CTX to factory default settings. Allpreviously programmed data is lost.Restoring Data from SmartMediaWhen initializing with Level 1 you can restore custom data that was previously programmed and stored ona SmartMedia card. To do so, follow the steps below.1. Install a SmartMedia card that contains the Prgdata directory with the default.dat file. Thedefault.dat file contains your custom settings and can be created by running Data Backup. SeeìData Backupî on page 1-106.Important!A CTX default.datdatabase can only be restored to a CTX software version thatis the same or higher than the CTX software version on which the default.dat filewas created.Examples: A default.datcreated on CTXR2.0 MF029 can be restored on an R2.0MF030, MF031 and higher R2.1MG0XX, R2.2 MF0XX (XX = 01~99, but it cannotbe restored on R2.0 MF012, MF011 and lower, or R1.X ME0XX, MD0XX, etc.2. After installing the SmartMedia card, run System Initialization using Initialize Level 1.Restoring data from the SmartMedia card may take an hour or more. To verify completion of the restoreprocess access, the Programming Mode from a telephone and enter your password. If the systemenables you to continue, the data restore process is complete.Note During the restore process, the telephone LCD may display date and time data. This does notnecessarily indicate completion of the restore process.FB Name FB Summary Value LCD PromptInitialize Level 01 Press 1 or 2 to select the initialize level.Level 1 ñ Erases programmed data andenters default data or backed up data if aSmartMedia Card is installed (see Note).Level 2 ñ Simulates System Power Off/PowerOn operation to reset hardware.1. Initialize Level 12. Initialize Level 21:Restart withClear Data2:Restart