IPedgeUsing Companion ApplicationsIPedge UG 01/13 TOSHIBA 209The Presence status shows the status of users, such as Idle, Busy, etc.Right click the member to start Chat or call the person through Call Manager.History Call Manager automatically creates a log of calls dialed and received on the localtelephone extension. This Call History provides the user with a valuable log of hisor her phone calls.• Pages Buttons – In addition to the other toolbar icons, you can use the FirstPage, Previous Page, Next Page, and Last Page icons/buttons to navigatebetween the various pages. Call History creates Pages when the call logexceeds a certain number of Call records to improve performance. The Lastpage contains the most recent calls.• Call Information – Each call in the call history appears as one line in the CallDisplay area. The column headers indicate what information is shown in eachcolumn.• Column 1 (Icons) – Indicates whether or not a call is an incoming callor outgoing call (arrow pointing right = incoming, arrow pointing left =outgoing) and the call is answered or not (Green = answered, pink =not answered).• Year Day Time – Shows the date and time that the call completed (notstarted). This column also includes the day-of-week for the first call ofeach day.Page Buttons