IPedgePersonal Call HandlerIPedge UG 01/13 TOSHIBA 197Unlike Matches In addition, you can precede any of the search strings with the characters <> torequest all matches that “aren't equal” or “aren't Like”.Example: To trigger on any caller from NOT from your area code 602: Set theSpecific Number on Caller ID Number to: <>602*.3. Apply User-Defined Actions – This section will define how to apply the User-Defined Actions to a Personal Call Handling Rule.• Set an Immediate Action – Pull down the listing and select the actionto be applied immediately. Either an Immediate or a Delayed Action isneeded for the rule to be complete.• Set a Delayed Action – Define the number of seconds to delay theaction and then pull down the listing and select the action to beapplied. Both immediate and delayed actions can be performed in thesame rule.• To Check the Action – Clicking the Check Action button will transferyou to User Defined Actions to allow changing the action and/or testthe action.• To Add an Action – Click the Add Action button to transfer to UserDefined Actions to allow you to create a new action to be used.• To Delete an Action – Click the Delete Action button to remove anaction from the listings. Use this with caution, as this will remove theaction for all other functions as well.4. Complete the Rule• To Save Rule – Click the Save button to save your changed or newrule.• To Cancel Settings – Click Cancel to exit without saving the settings.• To Export Call Handler Rule – Click the Export Rule to create a.RUIfile in the PC user’s “C:Document and Settings\ApplicationData\Toshiba\Strata Call Manager” folder. Each rule created can besaved as a file for backup purposes and copying to another PC toallow the same rule to be used by other users.