IPedgeButtonsIPedge UG 01/13 TOSHIBA 159Swap Keys and then drag & drop key to new location. Keys will swap within thesame window and between any other button window.To Copy ThisKeyTo Copy the configuration of one programmable key to another hold the keyboardControl and Shift keys down while using the left mouse button to drag the key tobe copied to its target. Or select Copy This Key and then drag & drop to newlocation. Keys will copy within the same window and between the Side windowand the Main Screen. Keys on the Main Screen or the Side window will not copyto keys on the Extra Buttons windows or vice versa.Change Key This opens the Setup Key configuration settings shown below. Several items inthe upper portion of this window define the appearance and label of the button.Selecting an Action from the pull down listing will present additional parametersneeded to define the choice. Details for each Action follow this procedure.Note: Some users may not have permission to change buttons and keys.• Sample – Displays the appearance of the following selections.• Key Label – Type a label for the key.• Back Color – Choose the color of the key.• Text Color – Choose the text color to use for the key label.• Default Colors – Pressing this button will reset the colors of the key and text tothe default for the skin used.• Action – Choose an action to be performed. This selection will open additionalsettings corresponding to that action. See the settings below for the differentpossible actions.