109Recording Playback Editing Function setup OthersIntroductionInitial settings See page 30, “INSTALLATION GUIDE”.SettingDVD recorder operationAV record qualityDVD-RAM DVD-RW DVD-RPicture record modeDVD-RAM DVD-RW DVD-RInput black levelDVD-RAM DVD-RW DVD-RAspect ratio(Video mode)DVD-RW DVD-RDVD compatible modeDVD-RAM DVD-RW DVD-RDVD-Video:CHP createDVD-RW DVD-RManagement settingsGenre settingDVD-RAM DVD-RW DVD-RDVD-RAM physical formatDVD-RAMSoftware versionDVD drive softwareDetailsTo select a recording mode for manual programme recording.To make further setting when you cannot adjust the imagequality with “Custom Picture Setting” of the “Picture/AudioSettings”.To select the black level of recorded pictures.To set the aspect ratio for DVD-R/RW recording.To set the audio for DVD-R/RW recording.To set whether or not chapters are to be automatically createdat a specified interval for DVD-R/RW recording.To register the frequently used genre in the menu.To perform physical formatting of a DVD-RAM disc.To display the version of the software. The version is onlydisplayed and cannot be set.To display the version of the DVD drive software.The version is only displayed and it cannot be set.Page11711711711711811811929