5 - 3 5 - 3MELSEC-A5 PROGRAMMINGPOINTSome CPU modules may not accept the devices used in the program example inthis chapter. For the setting ranges of the devices, refer to the user's manual of theCPU module used.For the A1SCPU, for example, devices X100, Y100 and laterare unusable. Use such devices as B and M.(3) Initial settingsSetting Item SettingsA/D conversion enable/prohibitspecification (RWw0) A/D conversion enabled channel: Channel 1, 2CH. 1 to CH. 4 input range setting(RWw1)Channel 1: 0 to 5VChannel 2: User range setting 1Average processing specification(RWw3)Channel 1: Sampling processingChannel 2: Average processing, number of times averageCH. 2 average time, number oftimes setting (RWw5) Number of average processing times of channel 2: 16 times