F-18User’s ManualAPPENDIX F u In Closed Office environments, work space is separated by floor-to-ceilingsolid walls.Supported frequency sub-bandsSubject to the radio regulations that apply in your country/region, your WirelessLAN card may support a different set of 2.4 GHz channels (see Table F-6).Consult your Authorized Wireless LAN or TOSHIBA Sales office for informationabout the radio regulations that apply in your country/region.Table F-6 Wireless IEEE 802.11 Channels SetsFrequency Range 2400-2483.5 MHzChannel ID1 24122 24173 24224 24275 24326 24377 24428 24479 245210 2457*11 2462* Factory-set default channelsWhen installing Wireless LAN cards, the channel configuration is managed asfollows:u For Wireless clients that operate in a Wireless LAN Infrastructure, the Wire-less LAN card will automatically start operation at the channel identified by theWireless LAN Access Point. When roaming between different access pointsthe station can dynamically switch to another channel if required.u For Wireless LAN cards installed in Wireless clients operating in a peer-to-peermode, the card will use the default channel 10.u In a Wireless LAN Access Point, the Wireless LAN card will use the factory-set default channel (printed in bold), unless the LAN Administrator selected adifferent channel when configuring the Wireless LAN Access Point device.