Toshiba DKT 3000 Quick Reference Manual
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IntroductionThis quick reference guide applies to Toshiba 3000- and 2000-series digital telephones connected to a Strata CTX system.See your Telephone System Administrator to find out whichfeatures you have. Use the check boxes or blank lines to enterthe variable selections for your telephone.What’s My Line?Throughout this guide, the word “line” is mentioned. Check markwhich Line type you have. For example, you will be instructed to“select a line.” “Line” can be:❐ Line button❐ Pooled Line Group❐ Group Line button❐ Line out requiring an access code – where you enter anoutside line or line group access code (for example, dial to get an outside line).Which Outgoing/Incoming Call Features Do I Have?Check mark here which outgoing/incoming feature you have onyour system. Then go through the rest of this guide and checkmark that feature where it’s noted.❐ Automatic Line Selection (ALS): For outgoing calls: Youhave ALS if you hear dial tone and the Line LED lightssteady green when you lift the handset or press 6SNU.❐ Ringing Line Preference: You answer an incoming Lineringing your station by lifting the handset or pressing 6SNU.❐ Tone Signaling: Internal incoming call: you hearsuccessive ring tones, then lift the handset or press 6SNU.❐ Voice First Signaling: Internal incoming call: your phonedoes not ring; instead you hear a long tone, then thecaller’s voice. Talk in the direction of your phone, or answerthe call as you normally would by lifting the handset orpressing 6SNU.Note You can change between Tone and Voice Signalingon a call-by-call basis by pressing after dialing aninternal telephone number.❐ Hot Dialing: If your telephone is programmed for “hotdialing,” you do not have to press 6SNU or lift the handsetbefore dialing internal or external speakerphone calls.When you dial a number, the speakerphone automaticallyturns on and the Spkr and Mic LEDs light up.Which Codes Do I Use?Default feature codes are listed in this guide. Check with yourSystem Administrator to see if these codes have been changed.If so, write the new codes in the blank lines and cross out thedefault codes. For example:&QI7UQ+ or .Making a CallHot Dialing1. To make a call using Hot Dialing, dial the number.2. When connected, you can continue speakerphoneoperation or lift the handset and continue theconversation.Spkr Button1. To make a call, press 6SNU.2. Dial the number.3. When connected, you can continue to use thespeakerphone or lift the handset and continue theconversation.Handset1. To make a call, lift the handset, then dial the number.2. When connected, you can continue to use the handsetor switch to speakerphone by holding down 6SNU andreplacing the handset.Answering a Call³ Lift the handset or press 6SNU.❐ If you don’t have Ringing Line Preference: press theflashing line or extension button and lift the handset.Handsfree Answerback➤ To receive a handsfree internal call over thespeakerphone1. You hear a single long tone, then the caller’s voice. Donot lift the handset; speak toward the telephone in anormal voice.2. Press 6SNU or take the handset off-hook if you wish totransfer the call or place it on hold.➤ To switch between Handset and Speakerphone³ Press 6SNU and place the handset on-hook to switchfrom Handset to Speakerphone mode.Account Code Calls➤ To dial with a Forced Account Code (FAC)1. Place a call in the normal method.2. After the tone burst, enter the Account Code.If the code is invalid, you hear re-order tone and the callis rejected.➤ To use an Emergency Override of an FACYou can bypass Forced Account Code requirements withthree emergency numbers, including. See yourSystem Administrator for these numbers: ____________➤ To dial with Voluntary Account Codes1. After accessing a CO line, press $FFRXQW&RGH...or &QI7UQ+ BBBBBBBB.You can enter it at any time during a call.2. Enter the Account Code.You should hear confirmation tone if the code is valid ortwo short tones if it is invalid.3. Dial a telephone number if you entered the code afteraccessing an outside line or resume talking or hang upif you entered the code after the call.Call Transfer1. While on a call, press &QI7UQ.2. Dial the extension and announce the call or “blindtransfer” (hang up).During call transfer, you can reconnect to the originalcaller by pressing your flashing extension button.3. Camp on to a busy station: If the station is busy, hangup. The called station receives a tone. Once the busy lineis free, the transferred line is called back.Conference Calls1. While on a call, press &QI7UQ.2. Call another station or outside line.3. When the called party answers, press &QI7UQ. If it’sbusy or there’s no answer, press &QI7UQ again to returnto the original connection. All parties are conferenced.4. Repeat the above steps to add more lines. You canconference up to eight parties.Note When the person who initiates the conference(master) hangs up, control transfers to the firstinternal station added to the conference. If no internalstations are in the conference, the call disconnects.➤ To transfer conference control1. Do steps 1 and 2 above to add the line to which youwish to transfer conference control.2. Announce the call and hang up to transfer the call. Thisstation is now the conference “master” with the ability toadd or delete parties.➤ To hold a conference call³ If you are the “master” conference controller, press+ROG once (or twice for Executive Hold) to place theconference call on hold.The conference continues and you can join at any timewithout giving up “master” abilities. Music-on-hold issuppressed in this mode.➤ To delete the last member added to a conference³ While a call is in progress, press the &DQFHO button.➤ To conference two outside Lines1. While talking on an outside call, press &QI7UQ.2. Access an outside line.3. After the party answers, press &QI7UQ.4. If you receive a busy tone or if the station does notanswer, press the flashing button to return to theoriginal call.5. Press &QI7UQ and hang-up.Note Most phone companies provide auto disconnect, butif it is not provided, the lines must be supervised todisconnect.6. To supervise a tandem call, press the extension button.If the parties have finished, hang up or if the parties arestill talking, press &QI7UQ and hang-up.Hold1. To place a call on Hold, press the +ROGbutton.2. To return to the held call, press the held line’s button.If you do not return to the held call, it rings back to yourphone. If you are busy on another call, you hear two tonebursts. If the held party hangs up, the call is released.3. If you have additional lines at your station to hold, repeatStep 1 above.➤ To place a call on Exclusive Hold³ While on a call, press +ROG twice. (No one canaccidently pick up your call.)➤ To place a call on Automatic Hold³ While on a call, press another extension button toreceive/originate a new call. You can switch betweencalls without having to press +ROG.Make sure this feature is programmed on your system;if not, existing calls will drop.➤ To place a call on Consultation HoldIf you have multiple extensions on your phone, you canhold a different call on each extension.³ Press &QI7UQ.Call Forward - Any Calls (Internal & External)There are two ways to perform each Call Forward:³ Enter the button sequence belowAll Calls: Press Ext. + or BBBBBBBB+ Destination No.Busy: Press Ext. + or BBBBBBBB+ Dest. No.No Answer: Press Ext. + or BBBBBBBB+ Dest. No. +Timer (seconds, 2-digits) + Busy No Answer: Press Ext. + or BBBBBBBB+ Dest.No. + Timer (seconds, 2-digits) + Cancel: Press Ext. + or BBBBBBBB³ ...or program a flexible button to perform the sequence.See “Flexible Buttons” for instructions.Call Park Orbits➤ To park a call1. While on a call, press 3DUNLQ2UELW...or &QI7UQ + or BBBBBBBB.2. Specify the Park Orbit using one of the following:• Press and the system automatically selects aGeneral Park Orbit between ~. Thechosen orbit appears on the LCD.• Enter a valid extension.• Press and the system automatically selects yourextension as the orbit.3. Hang up. If the parked call is not retrieved, the call ringsback to your phone.➤ To retrieve a parked call1. Press 3DUNLQ2UELW...or your extension button + or BBBBBBBB.2. Enter the Orbit Number where the call is parked.726+,%$© Copyright 2002Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc.Telecommunication Systems Division9740 Irvine Blvd., Irvine, CA 92618-1697CTX-QR-D3000-VB Version B, April 20024010369 |
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