58Chapter 9: AppendixNo person, agent, distributor, dealer, or company isauthorized to change, modify or extend the terms ofthese warranties in any manner whatsoever. The timewithin which an action must be commenced to enforceany obligation of TAIS arising under this limitedwarranty or under any statute, or law of the UnitedStates or any state thereof, is hereby limited to ninety(90) days from the date you discover or should havediscovered, the defect. This limitation does not apply toimplied warranties arising under the law of any state ofthe U.S.A.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFICLEGAL RIGHTS AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHERRIGHTS WHICH MAY VARY FROM STATE TOSTATE IN THE U.S.A. SOME STATES OF THE U.S.A.DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON THE DURATIONOF AN IMPLIED WARRANTY, WHEN AN ACTIONMAY BE BROUGHT, OR THE EXCLUSION ORLIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES. THEREFORE, THE ABOVEPROVISIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU UNDERSUCH CIRCUMSTANCES.Limited Canadian Warranty forToshiba Brand Flat PanelTelevisionsToshiba of Canada Limited (“TCL”) makes the followinglimited warranties to original consumers in Canada.THESE LIMITED WARRANTIES EXTEND TO THEORIGINAL CONSUMER PURCHASER OR ANYPERSON RECEIVING THIS TOSHIBA BRAND FLATPANEL TELEVISION (the “TELEVISION(S)” or“Television(s)”) AS A GIFT FROM THE ORIGINALCONSUMER PURCHASER AND TO NO OTHERPURCHASER OR TRANSFEREE.TELEVISIONS PURCHASED IN CANADA, ANDUSED ANYWHERE OUTSIDE OF CANADAINCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE UNITEDSTATES AND MEXICO, ARE NOT COVERED BYTHESE WARRANTIES.TELEVISIONS PURCHASED ANYWHERE OUTSIDEOF CANADA, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION,THE UNITED STATES AND MEXICO, AND USED INCANADA, ARE NOT COVERED BY THESEWARRANTIES.Limited One (1) Year Warranty on Parts and LabourTCL warrants the Television and its parts againstmaterial defects in materials or workmanship that resultin the Television failing for a period of one (1) year afterthe date of original retail purchase. DURING THISPERIOD, TCL WILL, AT TCL’S OPTION, REPAIR ORREPLACE A DEFECTIVE PART WITH A NEW ORRECERTIFIED PART WITHOUT CHARGE TO YOUFOR PARTS OR LABOUR.Rental UnitsThe warranty for Television rental units begins with thedate of first rental or thirty (30) days from the date ofshipment to the rental firm, whichever comes first.Your ResponsibilityRead the owner’s manual thoroughly before operatingthis LCD Television. Complete and mail the enclosedproduct registration card or register your LCDTelevision online at http://support.toshiba.ca/warranty/.Registration of your LCD Television will enable TCL tocontact you in the unlikely event of a product safetynotice. Failure to complete the product registration doesnot diminish your warranty rights.THE ABOVE WARRANTIES ARE SUBJECT TO THEFOLLOWING CONDITIONS:(1) You must provide your bill of sale or other proof ofpurchase.(2) All warranty servicing of this Television must beperformed by a Toshiba Authorized Service Provider(ASP).(3) The warranties from TCL are effective only if theTelevision is (i) purchased as new and unopenedfrom TCL or from TCL’s authorized distributors,dealers or resellers (“ADR’s”) and (ii) located/operated in Canada.(4) Removal and reinstallation of product that ismounted in such a manner as to impede normalservice is not covered under these warranties. Thisincludes wall mounts, custom cabinets and otherinstallation methods that do not provide for directand immediate access to the product for servicepurposes. Labour charges for set installation, setup,adjustment of customer controls, and installation orrepair of antenna systems are not covered by thesewarranties. Reception problems caused byinadequate antenna systems are your responsibility.(5) Warranties extend only to material defects inmaterials or workmanship as limited above, and donot extend to:a. Service, repairs or replacement made necessaryby accident, misuse, abuse, moisture, liquids,dust, dirt, neglect, accident, damage, 24/7applications, improper installation, improperoperation, improper cleaning, impropermaintenance, normal wear and tear, screen burnor image retention caused by prolonged display ofstatic images and/or phosphor aging, or any otherexternal cause or event, act or omission outsidethe control of TCL, including fire, theft, acts ofGod, alteration, power failures, power surges orpower shortages, lightning, other electrical faults,or repairs, modifications or replacements bypersons other than those authorized by TCL toservice the Television;b. Replacement of missing, discarded or lost parts,the provision of retrofits, or preventivemaintenance;c. Repair of damage that is cosmetic only or doesnot affect the Television functionality, such aswear and tear, scratches and dents;d. Service on Toshiba-branded accessory items(such accessory items may be covered by theirown warranty);e. Service on third party products or service madenecessary by use of incompatible third partyproducts;f. Service made necessary by the simultaneous useof this Television and connected equipment;g. Modifications to the Television not approved inwriting by TCL, and service made necessary bythe use or installation of non-Toshibamodifications to the Television;h. Service of a Television on which the TOSHIBAlabel or logo, rating label or serial number havebeen defaced or removed;i. Damage to the Television caused by failure tofollow the specifications, User manuals or guidesas to usage and/or storage.j. Firmware updates that are posted to the ToshibaSupport website and can be performed by the enduser via a USB stick or SD card type media.