6. Push the attachment male connector into the femaleconnector on the traction unit.Note: When you connect the attachment maleconnector first, you will relieve any pressure built upin the attachment.Hydraulic fluid escaping under pressure canpenetrate skin and cause injury. Fluid injectedinto the skin must be surgically removed withina few hours by a doctor familiar with this formof injury or gangrene may result.• Keep your body and hands away from pinhole leaks or nozzles that eject high pressurehydraulic fluid.• Use cardboard or paper to find hydraulicleaks, never use your hands.Hydraulic couplers, hydraulic lines/valves, andhydraulic fluid may be hot. If you contact hotcomponents you may be burned.• Wear gloves when operating the hydrauliccouplers.• Allow the traction unit to cool beforetouching hydraulic components.• Do not touch hydraulic fluid spills.7. Push the attachment female connector into themale connector on the traction unit.8. Confirm that the connection is secure by pullingon the hoses.9. Move the auxiliary hydraulics lever to neutral.Removing an Attachment1. Lower the attachment to the ground.2. Stop the engine.3. Disengage the quick attach pins by turning themto the outside.4. If the attachment uses hydraulics, move the auxiliaryhydraulics lever forward, backward, and back toneutral to relieve pressure at the hydraulic couplers.5. If the attachment uses hydraulics, slide the collarback on the hydraulic couplers and disconnect them.Important: Connect the attachmenthoses together to prevent hydraulic systemcontamination during storage.6. Install the protective covers onto the hydrauliccouplers on the traction unit.7. Start the engine, tilt the mount plate forward, andback the traction unit away from the attachment.Securing the Traction Unit forTransportWhen transporting the traction unit on a trailer, alwaysuse the following procedure:Important: Do not operate or drive the tractionunit on roadways.1. Lower the loader arms.2. Stop the engine.3. Secure the traction unit to the trailer with chains orstraps using the tie-down/lift loops (Figure 3) tosecure the rear of the traction unit and the loaderarms/mount plate to secure the front of the tractionunit.Lifting the Traction UnitYou can lift the traction unit using the tie-down/liftloops as lift points (Figure 3).21