8 – Other Applications28 — TASCAM US-122Setting audio I/O options under OS X (10.2.3 and above)In Mac OS X, you can set the preferredaudio input and output device using theSound Preference Pane, or very oftenyou can select the audio input and outputdevices from the applications them-selves.To use the System Preferences:From the Apple menu, select SystemPreferences and click the Sound icon.Click the Output tab and choose theTASCAM US-122 as the output device.Click the Input tab and choose theTASCAM US-122 as the input device.You may choose to keep alerts and soundeffects played through the Built-in audiocontroller.Setting sampling frequency and bit length under OS X (10.2.3 andabove)Launch the Audio and MIDI Setup appli-cation. Click the Audio tab.You can also set the default input andoutput audio devices in this application.Make sure that the selected Audio deviceon the left side of the screen shows theTASCAM US-122.Set the Current format of either the inputor the output section to the sampling fre-quency and bit length you want to use.Note that some applications allow you tooverride this setting.This program also allows you to set theinput and output gain of the US-122audio I/O.