TASCAM HS-P82 273 Touch the buttons next to the PHANTOM +48V itemon the INPUT page for the input channels that needphantom power to turn it ON.CAUTIONConfirm that phantom power is OFF before connecting a•line level device to a MIC/LINE IN connector. If you connecta line level device while phantom power is ON, that deviceor this unit could be damaged.Confirm that phantom power is OFF before connecting•or disconnecting a condenser microphone to a MIC/LINEIN connector. If you connect or disconnect a microphonewhile phantom power is ON, that mic or this unit could bedamaged.Do not connect an unbalanced dynamic microphone to an•XLR connector that is supplying phantom power. Doing socould damage the microphone or this unit.Setting the inputs1 Press the MENU key on the front panel to open theMENU screen.2 Touch the MIXER SETUP button to open the MIXERSETUP screen.On the INPUT page, set each channel’s input source,turn phantom power ON or OFF for each input, and turnthe sampling rate converter ON or OFF for each pair ofinputs. For details, see “INPUT page” on page 43.3 If necessary, open the SIGNAL PROCESSING and SETUPtabs to make additional settings.On the SIGNAL PROCESSING page, you can reverse thephase, and turn the low-cut filter and limiter ON or OFF.To adjust the low-cut filter settings, touch the LowCutFilter button to open the LOW CUT FILTER screen. Fordetails, see “SIGNAL PROCESSING page” on page 43.From the SETUP page, you can edit channel names andturn channel links ON and OFF.To edit channel names, touch the buttons next to the CHNAME item. For details, see “CHx NAME (button)” onpage 44.Input settings can also be changed on the CHx SETUP (1-8)screens.Touch the CHANNEL SETUP button on the MENU screen.To open a CHx SETUP screen, touch that CHANNEL button atthe top of the MIXER SETUP screen.See “Channel Settings (CHANNEL SETUP)” on page44 details about making settings on the CHANNEL SETUPscreens.4 − Recording and Playback