132 Chapter 5 Adjustments and SettingsChapter 5 Adjustments and SettingsViewfinder Screen AdjustmentsThe following adjustments are provided to improve thevisibility of the viewfinder screen.Although these adjustments may make the viewfinderimage clearer, they have no effect on the output videosignal from the camcorder.Adjusting the eyepiece focusDepending on the eyesight of the operator — whetherlongsighted or shortsighted — the optimal position ofthe viewfinder image varies. Adjust the eyepiecefocus to get the clearest viewfinder image for youreyesight. First focus the image with the lens, thenadjust the eyepiece focusing knob. The adjustmentrange is from –3 to 0 diopters 1) (default when shippedis 0 diopters).Using an optional part allows you to modify theadjustment range to –2 to +1 diopters or –0.5 to +3diopters.For details, consult your Sony dealer.Contrast and brightness adjustmentCarry out these adjustments with the color barsdisplayed.1 Set the OUTPUT/DL/DCC+ switch to the BARSposition.The color bars appear in the viewfinder.2 Watching the color bars, turn the CONTRAST andBRIGHT controls to adjust the contrast andbrightness.3 Return the OUTPUT/DL/DCC+ switch to itsoriginal position.Outline emphasis adjustmentTurning the PEAKING control changes the degree ofoutline emphasis in the viewfinder image, to makefocusing easier.1) Diopter: A unit to indicate the degree of convergence ordivergence of a bundle of rays...........................................................................................................................................................................................................PEAKING controlCONTRAST controlBRIGHT control Eyepiece focusing knobOUTPUT/DL/DCC+ switch