27PBD-51041048 SITRANS LG250 - Operating Instructions44277-EN-200212For the distance units you can choose between m, mm and ft and forthe temperature units °C, °F and K.In this menu item you can enter the probe length or have the lengthdetermined automatically by the sensor system.When choosing "Yes", then the probe length will be determinedautomatically. When choosing "No", you can enter the probe lengthmanually.Coax probes can be only used in liquids. In this menu item, the fixedadjusted medium type "Liquid" is displayed.In this menu item, you can select the application. You can choosebetween level measurement and interface measurement. You canalso choose between measurement in a vessel or in a bypass orstandpipe.Note:The selection of the application has a considerable influence on allother menu items. Keep in mind that as you continue with the param-eter adjustment, individual menu items are only optionally available.You have the option of choosing the demonstration mode. This modeis only suitable for test and demonstration purposes. In this mode, thesensor ignores the parameters of the application and reacts immedi-ately to any change.In this menu item, you can define the type of medium (product).This menu item is only available if you have selected level measure-ment under the menu item "Application".You can choose between the following medium types:Probe lengthApplication - MediumtypeApplication - ApplicationApplication - Medium,dielectric constant