2 Machine Information 03/20122.1 Machine overview© Siemens AG 2012 All Rights Reserved2-28 ePS Network Services, Function Manual (FH) - 03/2012File listThe files uploaded from the machine control with a particular event can be dis-played in the Browser or in another application, or stored on a data carrier.Fig. 2-7: List of uploaded filesDiagnostics data: General functionFunction DescriptionChange to As this menu is a detail of the machine events, and several de-tails may exist for the event, you can quickly change to otherexisting diagnostics data of the event via a menu.You can open a file in either a separate browser window or an-other application. Alternatively, you can save the file to a datacarrier.Note:The type of display depends on the data type and the applica-tions installed on your system. Pure text or HTML documentsare displayed in a separate browser window. Applications regis-tered in the operating system are usually opened directly. Youmust save any files with unregistered data types and open themmanually with your application.You cannot delete individual files from machine events; it is onlypossible to delete the entire event entry.Note:Deleting individual details from an event constitutes illegal ma-nipulation of the archived document.