Contents - Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Flexible NC programming
- Variable definition (DEF user-defined variables LUD, GUD, PUD)
- Array definitions (DEF, SET, REP)
- Indirect programming
- Tables
- Run string as parts program line (EXECSTRING)
- Assignments
- Arithmetic operations/functions
- Comparison and logical operations
- Precision correction on comparison errors (TRUNC)
- Priority of the operations
- Possible type conversions
- String operations
- Type conversion to STRING
- Type conversion of STRING
- Conversion to lower/upper case
- Look for character/string in the string
- Selection of a substring
- Selection of a single character
- CASE statement
- Control structures
- Program coordination
- Interrupt routine (SETINT, DISABLE, ENABLE, CLRINT)
- Axis replacement, spindle replacement (RELEASE, GET, GETD)
- Transfer axis to another channel (AXTOCHAN)
- NEWCONF: Setting machine data effective
- WRITE: Write file
- DELETE: Delete file
- READ: Read lines in the file
- ISFILE: File present in the NCK user memory
- CHECKSUM: Form the checksum over an array
- ROUNDUP: Round up
- Subroutines, Macros
- Subroutines with SAVE mechanism
- Subroutines with parameter transfer (PROC, VAR)
- Call subroutines (L or EXTERN)
- Parameterized subroutine return (RET)
- Subroutine with program repetition (P)
- Modal subroutine (MCALL)
- Indirect subroutine call (CALL)
- Repeating program sections with indirect programming (CALL)
- Indirect call of a program programmed in ISO language (ISOCALL)
- Calling subroutine with path specification and parameters (PCALL)
- Search path adaptation of the subroutines prepared during startup
- Execute external subroutine (EXTCALL)
- Subroutine call with M, T and D functions
- Suppress individual block (SBLOF, SBLON)
- Suppress current block display (DISPLOF)
- Cycles: Setting parameters for user cycles
- Macro technique (DEFINE...AS)
- File and Program Management
- Working memory
- Defining user data
- Protection levels for user data, MD, SD and NC commands
- Automatic activation of GUDs and MACs
- Change the protection data for the machine and setting data (REDEF MD, SD)
- Protection levels for NC commands (REDEF)
- REDEF Changing the attributes of the NC language elements
- SEFORM structuring statement in the Step editor
- Protection zones
- Activating, deactivating protection zones (CPROT, NPROT)
- Checking for protection zone violation, working area limitation and software limits
- Special Motion Commands
- Spline grouping (SPLINEPATH)
- Polynomial interpolation (POLY, POLYPATH)
- Settable path reference (SPATH, UPATH)
- Measurements with touch trigger probe (MEAS, MEAW)
- Extended measuring function (MEASA, MEAWA, MEAC) (option)
- Special functions for OEM users (OEMIPO1, OEMIPO2, G810 to G829)
- Programmable servo parameter set (SCPARA)
- Coordinate transformation via frame variables
- Predefined frame variable ($P_BFRAME, $P_IFRAME, $P_PFRAME, $P_ACTFRAME)
- Frame variables / assigning values to frames
- Reading and changing frame components (TR, FI, RT, SC, MI)
- Linking complete frames
- Defining new frames (DEF FRAME)
- Coarse and fine offsets (CFINE; CTRANS)
- DRF offset
- External zero offset
- Preset offset (PRESETON)
- Deactivating frames (DRFOF, G53, G153, and SUPA)
- Frame calculation from three measuring points in space (MEAFRAME)
- NCU global frames
- Channel-specific frames ($P_CHBFR, $P_UBFR)
- Frames active in the channel
- General programming of transformation types
- Orientation movements for transformations
- Overview of orientation transformation TRAORI
- Three, four and five axis transformation (TRAORI)
- Variants of orientation programming and initial setting (OTIRESET)
- Programming of the tool orientation (A..., B..., C..., LEAD, TILT)
- Face milling (3D-milling A4, B4, C4, A5, B5, C5)
- Orientation axis reference (ORIWKS, ORIMKS)
- Programming the orientation axes (ORIAXES, ORIVECT, ORIEULER, ORIRPY)
- Orientation programming along the peripheral surface of a taper (ORIPLANE, ORICONxx)
- Orientation polynomials (PO[angle], PO[coordinate])
- Rotations of the tool orientation (ORIROTA, ORIROTR/TT, ORIROTC, THETA)
- Orientations relative to the path
- Interpolation of the tool rotation relative to the path (ORIROTC, THETA)
- Smoothing of orientation characteristic (ORIPATHS A8=, B8=, C8=)
- Compression of the orientation COMPON (A..., B..., C..., THETA)
- Online tool length compensation (TOFFON, TOFFOF)
- Kinematic transformation
- Cylinder surface transformation (TRACYL)
- Inclined axis (TRAANG)
- Inclined axis programming (G05, G07)
- Cartesian PTP travel
- Constraints when selecting a transformation
- Deselect transformation (TRAFOOF)
- Chained transformations (TRACON, TRAFOOF)
- Replaceable geometry axes (GEOAX)
- Offset memory
- Language commands for tool management
- Online tool compensation (PUTFTOCF, PUTFTOC, FTOCON, FTOCOF)
- Keep tool radius compensation constant (CUTCONON)
- Activate 3D tool offsets (CUT3DC..., CUT3DF...)
- D tool radius compensation: peripheral milling, face milling
- Tool types/tool change with changed dimensions (G40, G41, G42)
- Compensation on the path, path curvature, and insertion depth ISD and tool status (CUT3DC)
- Inside corners/outside corners and intersection procedure (G450/G451)
- D circumferential milling with limitation surfaces general use
- Consideration of a limitation surface (CUT3DCC, CUT3DCCD)
- Tool orientation (ORIC, ORID, OSOF, OSC, OSS, OSSE, OSD, OST)
- Free assignment of D numbers, cutting edge numbers
- Checking D numbers (CHKDNO)
- Renaming D numbers (GETDNO, SETDNO)
- Deriving the T number from the specified D number (GETACTTD)
- Tool holder kinematics
- Tangential control (TANG, TANGON, TANGOF, TANGDEL)
- Coupled motion (TRAILON, TRAILOF)
- Curve tables (CTAB)
- Principal functions curve tables (CTABDEF, CTABEND, CTABDEL)
- Behavior at the edges of curve tables (CTABTSV, CTABTSP, CTABMIN, CTABMAX)
- Axial leading value coupling (LEADON, LEADOF)
- Feedrate response (FNORM, FLIN, FCUB, FPO)
- Program run with preprocessing memory (STARTFIFO, STOPFIFO, STOPRE)
- Conditionally interruptible program sections (DELAYFSTON, DELAYFSTOF)
- Preventing program position for SERUPRO (IPTRLOCK, IPTRUNLOCK)
- Repositioning at contour (REPOSA/L, REPOSQ/H, RMI, RMN, RMB, RME)
- Motion synchronous actions
- Programming and command elements
- Validity range: Identification number ID
- Cyclic checking of the condition
- Actions
- Operators for conditions and actions
- Main run variables for synchronized actions
- Implicit type conversion
- GUD variables for synchronous actions
- Default axis identifier (NO_AXIS)
- Synchronized action marker $AC_MARKER[n]
- Synchronized action parameters $AC_PARAM[n]
- Read and write NC machine and NC setting data
- Timer-Variable $AC_Timer[n]
- FIFO variable $AC_FIFO1[n] ... $AC_FIFO10[n]
- Information about the block types in the interpolator
- Actions in synchronized actions
- Output of auxiliary functions
- Cancel preprocessing stop (STOPREOF)
- Delete distance-to-go (DELDTG)
- Polynomial definition (FCTDEF)
- Synchronized function (SYNFCT)
- Clearance control with limited compensation $AA_OFF_MODE
- Online tool offset (FTOC)
- Online tool length offset ($AA_TOFF[tool direction])
- Positioning movements
- Position axis (POS)
- Position in specified reference range (POSRANGE)
- Start/stop axis (MOV)
- Axis replacement (RELEASE, GET)
- Axial feed (FA)
- Axis coordination
- Set actual values (PRESETON)
- Spindle motions
- Leading value coupling (LEADON, LEADOF)
- Measuring (MEAWA, MEAC)
- Initialization of array variables with SET, REP
- Set/delete wait markers with SETM, CLEARM
- Travel to fixed stop (FXS and FOCON/FOCOF)
- Determining the path tangent in synchronized actions
- Determining the current override
- Time use evaluation of synchronized actions
- Technology cycles
- Context variable ($P_TECCYCLE)
- Call by value parameters
- Control processing of technology cycles (ICYCOF, ICYCON)
- Cascading technology cycles
- IF check structures
- Lock, unlock, reset (LOCK, UNLOCK, RESET)
- Delete synchronized action (CANCEL)
- Restrictions
- Oscillation
- Control oscillation via synchronized actions
- Punching and nibbling
- Automatic path segmentation
- Path segmentation for path axes
- Path segmentation for single axes
- Additional functions
- Check scope of NC language present (STRINGIS)
- ISVAR ( ) function call and read machine array index
- Learn compensation characteristics (QECLRNON, QECLRNOF)
- Synchronous spindle
- Electronic gear (EG)
- Activate electronic gear (EGON)
- Deactivate electronic gear (EGOFS)
- Revolutional feedrate (G95)/electronic gear (FPR)
- Extended stop and retract
- Drive-independent responses to ESR
- NC-controlled reactions to retraction
- NC-controlled reactions to stoppage
- Drive-independent stopping
- Drive-independent retraction
- Link communication
- Access to a global NCU memory area
- Axis container (AXCTWE, AXCTWED)
- Program runtime/Workpiece counter
- Workpiece counter
- Interactive window call from parts program, command:
- Influencing the motion control
- Percentage velocity correction (VELOLIM)
- User stock removal programs
- Contour preparation (CONTPRON)
- Contour decoding (CONTDCON)
- Intersection of two contour elements (INTERSEC)
- Traversing a contour element from the table (EXECTAB)
- Calculate circle data (CALCDAT)
- List of statements
- Glossary
Transformations7.8 Kinematic transformationJob planning7-52 Programming Manual, 03/2006 Edition, 6FC5398-2BP10-1BA0TRANSMIT transformation typesThe TRANSMIT machining operations have two parameterizable forms:• TRANSMIT in the standard case with (TRAFO_TYPE_n = 256)• TRANSMIT with additional Y linear axis (TRAFO_TYPE_n = 257)The extended transformation type 257 can be used, for example, to compensate clampingcompensations of a tool with real Y axis.ProgrammingTRANSMIT or TRANSMIT(n)orTRAFOOFRotary axisThe rotary axis cannot be programmed because it is occupied by a geometry axis andcannot thus be programmed directly as a channel axis.ParametersTRANSMIT Activates the first declared TRANSMIT function. This functionis also designated as polar transformation.TRANSMIT(n) Activates the nth declared TRANSMIT function; n can be up to 2(TRANSMIT(1) is the same as TRANSMIT).TRAFOOF Deactivates an active transformation.OFFN Offset contour normal: Distance of the face machining from theprogrammed reference contour.NoteAn active TRANSMIT transformation is likewise deactivated if one of the othertransformations is activated in the relevant channel (e.g., TRACYL, TRAANG, TRAORI). PreviousNext |