Special Motion Commands5.5 Polynomial interpolation (POLY, POLYPATH)Job planningProgramming Manual, 03/2006 Edition, 6FC5398-2BP10-1BA0 5-17ParametersPOLY Activation of polynomial interpolationwith a block containing POLYPOLYPATH Polynomial interpolation can be selectedfor both the AXIS or VECT axis groupsPO [axis identifier/variable]=(…,…,…) End points and polynomial coefficientsX, Y, Z Axis identifierx e , y e , z e Specification of end position forrelevant axis; value range as for pathdimensiona 2 , a 3, a 4 , a 5 The coefficients a 2 , a 3 , a 4 , and a 5 arewritten with their value; Value range asfor path dimension. The last coefficientin each case can be omitted if it equalszero.PL Length of parameter interval over whichthe polynomials are defined (definitionrange of function f(p)). The intervalalways starts at 0. p can be set tovalues between 0 and PL. Theoreticalvalue range forPL: 0,0001 … 99 999,9999. The PL valueapplies to the block that contains it.PL=1 is applied if no PL value isprogrammed.Activate/deactivate POLYPolynomial interpolation belongs to the first G group along with G0, G1, G2, G3, A spline,B spline and C spline. If it is active, there is no need to program the polynomial syntax: Axesthat are programmed with their name and end point only are traversed linearly to their endpoint. If all axes are programmed in this manner, the control system responds as if G1 wereprogrammed.Polynomial interpolation is deactivated by another command in the G group (e.g. G0, G1).Polynomial coefficientThe PO value (PO[]=) or ...=PO(...) specifies all polynomial coefficients for an axis.Several values, separated by commas, are specified according to the degree of thepolynomial. Different polynomial degrees can be programmed for different axes within oneblock.New polynomial syntax with PO: The previous syntax remains valid.Subroutine call POLYPATHWith POLYPATH the polynomial interpolation can be specified selectively for the followingaxis groups:• POLYPATH ("AXES")All path axes and special axes.• POLYPATH ("VECT") orientation axes(with orientation transformation).As standard, the programmed polynomials are interpreted as polynomial for both axisgroups.Examples:POLYPATH ("VECT")Only the orientation axes are selected for the polynomial interpolation; all other axes aretraversed linearly.