Measuring Cycles for Milling and Machining Centers5.8 CYCLE961 workpiece: Setup inside and outside cornerMeasuring cycles222 Programming Manual, 03/2009 Edition, 6FC5398-4BP10-2BA0Total measuring path: 2 · _FA in mmis reached.Otherwise, no measurement will be performed.A minimum total measurement path of 2 · 20 mm is produced within a cycle.Position before measuring cycle call3RVLWLRQLQJKHLJKWDQGGHSWKRIPHDVXUHPHQWB,'DSSOLFDWH :=([DPSOH*B&%,7>@ B,''HSWKRIPHDVXUHPHQW/)3 33RVLWLRQLQJKHLJKW6WDUWLQJSRVLWLRQThe probe is above the workpiece at positioning height. It must be possible to reach allpoints without collision.The measuring cycle generates the traversing blocks and performs the measurements at themeasuring points from points P1 to P4. The measuring depth is derived from the positioningheight lowered by the value in _ID (negative prefix). After measurement at one point theprobe is again raised to positioning height and traversed to the next point and then loweredagain to measuring depth.Point P2 is approached first, followed by P1, P3, and P4.Position after end of measuring cycleThe probe is at the positioning height at point P4.