Measuring Cycles for Milling and Machining Centers5.4 CYCLE977 workpiece: Measure hole/shaft/groove/web/rectangle parallel to axesMeasuring cycles152 Programming Manual, 03/2009 Edition, 6FC5398-4BP10-2BA0Parameters Data type Meaning_SZO REAL, >0 Length of the protection zone in the ordinate (only for measuringrectangle)_MA 1...2 Number of measuring axis (only for measuring a groove or a web)_KNUM 0, >0 0: without automatic tool offset>0: with automatic tool offset(individual values: Parameter _KNUM)_TNUM INT, ≧0 Tool number for automatic tool offset_TNAME STRING[32] Tool name for automatic tool compensation(alternative for _TNUM if tool management active)_DLNUM INT, ≧0 DL number for additive/setup offset_TENV STRING[32] Name of tool environment for automatic tool offsetThe following additional parameters are also valid:_VMS, _CORA, _TZL, _TMV, _TUL, _TLL, _TDIF, _TSA, _FA, _PRNUM,_EVNUM, _NMSP and _K._CORA only relevant for monodirectional probe. With _TSA, the diameter or width ismonitored for "tool compensation". The other parameters must also be assigned if _KNUM=0because they refer to the workpiece.See alsoVariable measuring velocity: _VMS (Page 76)Offset angle position: _CORA (Page 76)Tolerance parameters: _TZL, _TMV, _TUL, _TLL, _TDIF and _TSA (Page 77)Measurement path: _FA (Page 78)Probe type, probe number: _PRNUM (Page 79)Empirical value, mean value: _EVNUM (Page 80)Multiple measurement at the same location: _NMSP (Page 81)Weighting factor for mean value calculation: _K (Page 81)Tool number and tool name: _TNUM and _TNAME (Page 68)Offset number: _KNUM (Page 69)Offset number _KNUM extended for tool offset: up to 9 digits (Page 72)