Measuring Cycles for Milling and Machining Centers5.4 CYCLE977 workpiece: Measure hole/shaft/groove/web/rectangle parallel to axesMeasuring cyclesProgramming Manual, 03/2009 Edition, 6FC5398-4BP10-2BA0 143Measuring principle for groove or webThe groove or web lies parallel to the axes of the workpiece coordinate system.2 measuring points are measured with specified measuring axis _MA.The actual value of the groove width and web width and the actual position of the groovecenter and web center in relation to workpiece zero are calculated from the two measuredvalues. The results are entered in array _OVR[ ].The positive direction of the axis is measured first.Measuring principle for inside and outside rectangle0HDVXULQJSULQFLSOHIRURXWVLGHUHFWDQJOH([DPSOH*SODQH<; DEVFLVVDRUGLQDWH 6WDUWSRVLWLRQ6HWSRLQWFHQWHU VWDUWIRUPHDVXUHPHQWLQ;$FWXDOUHFWDQJOH QG&HQWHUIRXQGLQ; VWDUWIRUPHDVXUHPHQWVLQ< 6HWSRLQWUHFWDQJOH VW UG WKThe rectangle lies parallel to the axes of the workpiece coordinate system.The measuring cycle ascertains 2 measuring points in both axes and determines the actualrectangle center and both actual values of the rectangle lengths. The procedure is the sameas for hole and shaft.The results are entered in array _OVR[ ].The positive direction of an axis is measured first.Procedure for specifying a safety zone0HDVXUHSDUD[LDOO\ZLWKSURWHFWLRQ]RQH([DPSOH2XWVLGHUHFWDQJOH;<=:3URWHFWHG]RQH