Tables19.1 OperationsJob Planning762 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-2BP40-3BA1Operation Type 1) Meaning W 2) TP 3) SA 4) Description see 5)1) 2) 3) 4) 5) for explanations, see legend (Page 776).PSI K Opening angle of the taper +PGAslOrientation programming along theperipheral surface of a taper(ORIPLANE, ORICONCW,ORICONCCW, ORICONTO,ORICONIO) (Page 326)PTP G Point-to-point motion m +PGAslCartesian PTP travel (Page 362)PTPG0 G Point-to-point motion only withG0, otherwise CPm +PGAslPTP for TRANSMIT (Page 366)PUNCHACC P Travel-dependent acceleration fornibbling+ -PGAslPunching and nibbling on or off (SPOF,SON, PON, SONS, PONS, PDELAYON,PDELAYOF, PUNCHACC) (Page 569)PUTFTOC P Tool fine offset for paralleldressing+ -PGAslOnline tool offset (PUTFTOCF,FCTDEF, PUTFTOC, FTOCON,FTOCOF) (Page 399)PUTFTOCF P Tool fine offset dependent on afunction for parallel dressingdefined with FCTDEF+ -PGAslOnline tool offset (PUTFTOCF,FCTDEF, PUTFTOC, FTOCON,FTOCOF) (Page 399)PW A B spline, point weight s +PGAslSpline interpolation (ASPLINE,BSPLINE, CSPLINE, BAUTO, BNAT,BTAN, EAUTO, ENAT, ETAN, PW, SD,PL) (Page 230)QU K Fast additional(auxiliary) function output+PGslR... A Arithmetic parameter also assettable address identifier andwith numerical extension+PGAslPredefined user variables: Arithmeticparameters (R) (Page 20)RAC K Absolute non-modal axis-specificradius programmings +PGslRDISABLE P Read-in disable - +FBSYREAD P Reads one or more lines in thespecified file and stores theinformation read in the array+ -PGAslRead lines in the file (READ)(Page 146)REAL K Data type: Floating-point variablewith sign (real numbers)+PGAslDefinition of user variables (DEF)(Page 24)REDEF K Setting for machine data, NClanguage elements and systemvariables, specifying the usergroups they are displayed for+PGAslRedefinition of system variables, uservariables, and NC language commands(REDEF) (Page 29)