Tables19.1 OperationsJob PlanningProgramming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-2BP40-3BA1 741Operation Type 1) Meaning W 2) TP 3) SA 4) Description see 5)1) 2) 3) 4) 5) for explanations, see legend (Page 776).FIFOCTRL G Control of preprocessing buffer m +PGAslProgram sequence with preprocessingmemory (STOPFIFO, STARTFIFO,FIFOCTRL, STOPRE) (Page 466)FILEDATE P Returns date of most recent writeaccess to file+ -PGAslRead out file information (FILEDATE,FILETIME, FILESIZE, FILESTAT,FILEINFO) (Page 150)FILEINFO P Returns summary informationlisting FILEDATE, FILESIZE,FILESTAT, and FILETIME+ -PGAslRead out file information (FILEDATE,FILETIME, FILESIZE, FILESTAT,FILEINFO) (Page 150)FILESIZE P Returns current file size + -PGAslRead out file information (FILEDATE,FILETIME, FILESIZE, FILESTAT,FILEINFO) (Page 150)FILESTAT P Returns file status of rights forread, write, execute, display,delete (rwxsd)+ -PGAslRead out file information (FILEDATE,FILETIME, FILESIZE, FILESTAT,FILEINFO) (Page 150)FILETIME P Returns time of most recent writeaccess to file+ -PGAslRead out file information (FILEDATE,FILETIME, FILESIZE, FILESTAT,FILEINFO) (Page 150)FINEA K End of motion when "Exact stopfine" reachedm +PGAslProgrammable end of motion criteria(FINEA, COARSEA, IPOENDA,IPOBRKA, ADISPOSA) (Page 268)FL K Limit velocity for synchronizedaxism +PGslFLIN G Feed linear variable m +PGAslFeedrate characteristic (FNORM, FLIN,FCUB, FPO) (Page 452)FMA K Multiple feedrates axial m +PGslFNORM 6) G Feedrate normal to DIN 66025 m +PGAslFeedrate characteristic (FNORM, FLIN,FCUB, FPO) (Page 452)FOC K Non-modal torque/force limitation s - +FBSYFOCOF K Switch off modal torque/forcelimitationm - +FBSYFOCON K Switch on modal torque/forcelimitationm - +FBSYFOR K Counter loop with fixed number ofpasses+PGAslCount loop (FOR ... TO ..., ENDFOR)(Page 112)