Tables19.1 OperationsJob Planning726 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-2BP40-3BA1Operation Type 1) Meaning W 2) TP 3) SA 4) Description see 5)1) 2) 3) 4) 5) for explanations, see legend (Page 776).COUPONC P Transfer activation of ELGgroup/synchronous spindle pairwith previous programming+ -PGAslSynchronous spindle: Programming(COUPDEF, COUPDEL, COUPON,COUPONC, COUPOF, COUPOFS,COUPRES, WAITC) (Page 531)COUPRES P Reset ELG group + -PGAslSynchronous spindle: Programming(COUPDEF, COUPDEL, COUPON,COUPONC, COUPOF, COUPOFS,COUPRES, WAITC) (Page 531)CP 6) G Path motion m +PGAslCartesian PTP travel (Page 362)CPBC K Generic coupling: Block changecriterion+ +FB3sl (M3)CPDEF K Generic coupling: Creating acoupling module+ +FB3sl (M3)CPDEL K Generic coupling: Deletion of acoupling module+ +FB3sl (M3)CPFMOF K Generic coupling: Behavior of thefollowing axis at complete switch-off+ +FB3sl (M3)CPFMON K Generic coupling: Behavior of thefollowing axis at switching on+ +FB3sl (M3)CPFMSON K Generic coupling: Synchronizationmode+ +FB3sl (M3)CPFPOS K Generic coupling: Synchronizedposition of the following axis+ +FB3sl (M3)CPFRS K Generic coupling: Co-ordinatereference system+ +FB3sl (M3)CPLA K Generic coupling: Definition of aleading axis+ -FB3sl (M3)CPLCTID K Generic coupling: Number of thecurve table+ +FB3sl (M3)CPLDEF K Generic coupling: Definition of aleading axis and creation of acoupling module+ +FB3sl (M3)CPLDEL K Generic coupling: Deleting aleading axis of a coupling module+ +FB3sl (M3)CPLDEN K Generic coupling: Denominator ofthe coupling factor+ +FB3sl (M3)CPLINSC K Generic coupling: Scaling factorof the input value of a leading axis+ +FB3sl (M3)CPLINTR K Generic coupling: Offset value ofthe input value of a leading axis+ +FB3sl (M3)CPLNUM K Generic coupling: Numerator ofthe coupling factor+ +FB3sl (M3)