Tables19.1 OperationsJob Planning734 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-2BP40-3BA1Operation Type 1) Meaning W 2) TP 3) SA 4) Description see 5)1) 2) 3) 4) 5) for explanations, see legend (Page 776).CYCLE99 C Thread cutting +PGAslThread turning - CYCLE99 (Page 699)CYCLE800 C Swiveling +PGAslSwiveling - CYCLE800 (Page 712)CYCLE801 C Grid or frame +PGAslGrid or frame - CYCLE801 (Page 658)CYCLE802 C Arbitrary positions +PGAslCYCLE832 C High Speed Settings +PGAslHigh Speed Settings - CYCLE832(Page 714)CYCLE840 C Tapping with compensating chuck +PGAslTapping with compensating chuck -CYCLE840 (Page 652)CYCLE899 C Open slot milling +PGAslMill open slot - CYCLE899 (Page 677)CYCLE930 C Groove +PGAslGroove - CYCLE930 (Page 694)CYCLE940 C Undercut forms +PGAslUndercut forms - CYCLE940 (Page 696)CYCLE951 C Stock removal +PGAslStock removal - CYCLE951 (Page 692)CYCLE952 C Contour grooving +PGAslContour grooving - CYCLE952(Page 708)D A Tool offset number +PGslD0 A With D0, offsets for the tool areineffective+PGslDAC K Absolute non-modal axis-specificdiameter programmings +PGslDC K Absolute dimensions for rotaryaxes, approach position directlys +PGslDEF K Variable definition +PGAslDefinition of user variables (DEF)(Page 24)DEFAULT K Branch in CASE branch +PGAslProgram branch (CASE ... OF ...DEFAULT ...) (Page 100)DEFINE K Keyword for macro definitions +PGAslMacro technique (DEFINE ... AS)(Page 205)DELAYFSTOF P Define the end of a stop delaysectionm + -PGAslProgram sections that can beconditionally interrupted (DELAYFSTON,DELAYFSTOF) (Page 469)