P2: Positioning axes11.3 Motion behavior and interpolation functionsExtended Functions776 Function Manual, 09/2009, 6FC5397-1BP20-0BA04. NCK executes an axial RESET in accordance with use case 4 "Reset axis/spindle" byreading and activating the required reset machine data for RESET for a single axis.5. NCK confirms the takeover and transfers the axis status to the PLC via the axial VDIinterface with the NC/PLC-interface signals:DB31, ... DBX63.1 (PLC controls axis) == 0DB31, ... DBX63.2 (Axis stop active) == 0DB31, ... DBX63.0 (AXRESET DONE) == 0Axis status active with system variable $AA_SNGLAX_STAT == 0.6. The channel now has control over the axis/spindle.AlternativesThe NCK confirms the transfer and internally sets the "stopped" channel status for theaxis/spindle if it detects that:● the axis-control channel is in the "interrupted" status owing to a stop signal,● a stop alarm is active for the channel or● a stop alarm is active for the mode group.Marginal conditionsThe axis/spindle must be operating under PLC control.The NCK confirms acceptance of an axis/spindle only if an axial alarm is not active. If anaxial alarm is active, alarm 26074 "Channel %1 Deactivation of PLC control of axis %2 incurrent status not permitted" is generated.ApplicationsAn axis/spindle interpolated by the main run can be controlled by the PLC independently ofthe NC program via the following VDI interface signals:● Cancel operation:DB21, ... DBX6.2 (delete distance-to-go)● Stop axis/spindle:DB31, ... DBX28.6 (AxStop, stop)