M5: Measuring8.4 Setting zeros, workpiece measuring and tool measuringExtended Functions618 Function Manual, 09/2009, 6FC5397-1BP20-0BA0Measuring pointsA maximum of four measuring points are available for all channel axes for measurement:Type Input variable DescriptionREAL $AA_MEAS_POINT1[axis] 1st measuring point for all channel axesREAL $AA_MEAS_POINT2[axis] 2nd measuring point for all channel axesREAL $AA_MEAS_POINT3[axis] 3rd measuring point for all channel axesREAL $AA_MEAS_POINT4[axis] 4th measuring point for all channel axesThe measured points are normally available as actual values (= setpoint values) in WCS. Ameasuring point is denoted as valid as soon as an axis value is described for it. Eachindividual measuring point can be written or picked up.A few measuring types also support measuring points lying in a different coordinates system(BCS, MCS). The entry in which the coordinates system of the corresponding measuringpoint was measured can be done via the following variables:Type Input variable Description ValuesINT $AA_MEAS_P1_COORD Coordinate system of 1st measuring pointINT $AA_MEAS_P2_COORD Coordinate system of 2nd measuring pointINT $AA_MEAS_P3_COORD Coordinate system of 3rd measuring pointINT $AA_MEAS_P4_COORD Coordinate system of 4th measuring pointINT $AA_MEAS_SET_COORD Coordinate system of setpoint0: WCS is the standard setting1: BCS2: MCS3: ENS4: WCS_REL5: ENS_RELActual valuesThe measuring points can be described for all the axes having the current axis actual values.The positions are picked up with reference to the selected coordinates system. The positionsare attached in WCS if no coordinates system is specified. The following variable is used forthis purpose:$AC_MEAS_LATCH[0..3]The index varies from 0 to 3, corresponding to the 1st to 4th measuring point. Assigning thevalue zero to the variable has the effect that all axis actual values of the correspondingmeasuring point become invalid. Assigning the value 1 picks up all the axis actual values inthe corresponding measuring point. The variable is a write-only variable.Individual axis actual values of a measuring point can be described with the following variables:Type System variable Description ValuesREAL $AA_MEAS_P1_VALID[ax] Pick up the 1st measuring point of anaxisREAL $AA_MEAS_P2_VALID[ax] Pick up the 2nd measuring point of anaxisREAL $AA_MEAS_P3_VALID[ax] Pick up the 3rd measuring point of anaxisREAL $AA_MEAS_P4_VALID[ax] Pick up the 4th measuring point of anaxis0: The measuring point of the axis isinvalid1: The measuring point of the axis isdeterminedThe variables $AC_MEAS_LATCH[0..3] and $AA_MEAS_P[1..4]_VALID can be usedinteractively. Allowance is made accordingly for the facing axis with diameter programming.