M1: Kinematic transformation7.3 TRACYL (option)Extended Functions532 Function Manual, 09/2009, 6FC5397-1BP20-0BA0Rotational positionThe rotational position of the axis on the cylinder peripheral surface perpendicular to therotary axis must be defined as follows:D 5RWDWLRQDOSRVLWLRQRIURWDU\D[LVZLWK& E 3RVLWLRQRI< $QJOHDELQGHJUHHVED<Figure 7-14 Center of rotation of axis in the peripheral cylinder surfaceTRACYL_ROT_AX_OFFSET_tThe rotational position of the peripheral surface in relation to the defined zero position of therotary axis is specified with:MD24800 $MC_TRACYL_ROT_AX_OFFSET_t=...°In this case, "t" is substituted by the number of the TRACYL transformations declared in thetransformation data blocks (t may not be greater than 2).Direction of rotationThe direction of rotation of the rotary axis is specified by machine data as described in thefollowing paragraph.TRACYL_ROT_SIGN_IS_PLUS_tIf the direction of rotation of the rotary axis on the x-y plane is counter-clockwise whenviewed against the z axis, then the machine data must be set to TRUE, otherwise to FALSE.758(\[MD24810 $MC_TRACYL_ROT_SIGN_IS_PLUS_t=TRUEIn this case, "t" is substituted by the number of the TRACYLtransformations declared in thetransformation data blocks (t may not be greater than 2).