Data Description8.2 Parameters for SINAMICS S12003.068-289© Siemens AG, 2006. All rights reservedSINUMERIK 840D sl/SINAMICS S120 SINUMERIK Safety Integrated (FBSI sl) – 03.2006 Editionp9531[0...3] SI motion, SG limit valuesSets the limit values in mm/min or rpm for the function “safely reduced speed”(SG)Checksum:YesProtection level:4Units:mm/minDefault value:2000Minimum value:0Maximum value:1 000 000Data type:Real32Effective:Power ON[0] = limit value SG1[1] = limit value SG2[2] = limit value SG3[3] = limit value SG4If one of the monitoring functions SG1, SG2, SG3 or SG4 is selected then the ac-tual velocity exceeds the limit value set in this parameter, the drive initiates faultC01714 (“SI motion: Safely reduced speed exceeded”) and activates the stop re-sponse parameterized in p9563.p9532[0...15] SI motion, SG override factorSets the override factor for the limit value for SG2 and SG4 of the function“safely reduced speed” (SG).Checksum:YesProtection level:4Units:%Default value:100Minimum value:0Maximum value:100Data type:REAL32Effective:Power ON[0] = SG override factor 0[1] = SG override factor 1[2] = SG override factor 2[3] = SG override factor 3[4] = SG override factor 4[5] = SG override factor 5[6] = SG override factor 6[7] = SG override factor 7[8] = SG override factor 8[9] = SG override factor 9[10] = SG override factor 10[11] = SG override factor 11[12] = SG override factor 12[13] = SG override factor 13[14] = SG override factor 14[15] = SG override factor 15The actual override factor for SG2 and SG4 is selected using safety-relevant in-puts (SGE).p9534[0...1] SI motion, SE upper limit valuesSets the upper limit values in mm or Degrees for the function “safesoftware limit switch” (SE)[0] = limit value SE1[1] = limit value SE2Checksum:YesProtection level:4Units:mm, degreesDefault value:100 000Minimum value:–2 147 000Maximum value:2 147 000Data type:REAL32Effective:Power ONNote: The following applies when setting the SE limit values: p9534 > p9535.See also: p9501, p9535, p9562 and C01715 “SI motion: Safe limit position ex-ceeded”.